Operation Rescue’s message is making America more pro-life.

Operation Rescue has deployed its fleet of Truth Trucks across America to show the nation the grisly truth that abortion brutally kills innocent children.
“Americans love to spend the warm summer months outdoors at public venues, and that is why we make sure the Truth Trucks are on the roads from coast to coast during the summer season,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We believe it is because of public displays like the ones on our Truth Trucks, that Americans are facing the reality of the devastating nature of abortion and becoming increasingly pro-life.”
The Truth Trucks are already on the road in the Sacramento area of California, and in Colorado. In the South, Operation Rescue has Truth Truck traveling about the Louisiana/Mississippi area, and another in Florida run by the West Palm Beach Right to Life. There is also a Truth Truck operated by Life and Liberty Ministries in the Virginia/Washington, DC area.
Truth Trucks are soon to take to the highways in the Great Lakes area with Missionaries to the Pre-born, and on a separate tour from the mid-west to Rhode Island and back again through New York, Chicago, and the Dakotas.
Wichita, Kansas, is the permanent home of at least one Truth Truck that is parked outside George Tiller’s infamous late-term abortion mill each day and is responsible for helping save the lives of countless babies there.
“We are asking Christians across America to pray for the safety of our drivers and for the effectiveness of this ambitious ministry to our great nation,” said Newman.
Donations to help with the high cost of fuel and other expenses can be made online by clicking here. To make a donations by phone or mail, click here.