By Cheryl Sullenger
Washington, D.C. – The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has cleared the way for the implementation of the Protect Life Rule, which would disqualify all who conduct or refer for abortions from receiving Title X Family Planning Funds.
This ruling is expected to cost Planned Parenthood approximately $60 million in government funding, prompting Planned Parenthood’s CEO Leana Wen to complain about how “devastating” the ruling would be to the largest abortion supplier in the U. S.
“There was a day when we could only dream of defunding Planned Parenthood, even in part. Who would have ever thought that the Ninth Circuit would give us this kind of victory? Until President Donald Trump, it would have been literally impossible,’ said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “The changes in the Ninth Circuit have vast implications not just for abortion cases, but for all conservative ideals.”
Adding to that change was the confirmation of Washington, D.C., attorney Daniel Bress on Tuesday along party lines – and over the blue slip objections of California’s radical Democrat abortion supporters Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris.
Bress replaces former Justice Alex Kozinski, “who retired last December after allegations of sexual misconduct by at least 15 female staffers,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Currently, the Ninth Circuit is comprised of 16 Democrat appointees and 12 Republican appointees. It is expected that Pres. Trump will be able to fill one current and two expected vacancies before the end of his first term.
The Ninth Circuit has always been Planned Parenthood’s backstop.
In 2015, Planned Parenthood sued Troy Newman, David Daleiden, and Albin Rhomberg, all board members of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), in the San Francisco Federal Court to prevent the release of the additional undercover videos that showed Planned Parenthood officials haggling to get top dollar for aborted baby tissues and organs.
In order to curtail the market for aborted baby remains and curb the abuses caused by that market, last month, President Trump halted all Federal funding for government research using aborted baby remains.
As a result of the CMP videos, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Select Panel on Infant Lives both referred Planned Parenthood Federation of America and five of its affiliates to the Department of Justice for criminal investigation and referral in 2016.
Also last month, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, along with Sen. Charles Grassley, past Chairman of Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr asking for an update on the criminal investigation into Planned Parenthood for the illegal sale of aborted baby remains.
So far, there has been no public update on the Planned Parenthood case, however, the DOJ rarely comments on ongoing criminal investigations.
Pres. Trump has been a hero for the pro-life movement.
In addition to a record number of judicial appointments at the Federal level, implementation of the Protect Life Rule, and defunding of experimentation with aborted baby remains, Trump promised in January to veto any appropriations bill that would weaken the protection of human life.
“President Trump has been, by far, the most pro-life president in the history of the United States. In my opinion, he is the best President we have ever had. We are grateful for all his efforts to protect human life and Make America Great Again,” said Newman. “We look forward to even more pro-life victories from his administration in the future.”