Washington, DC – In May, Operation Rescue reported on information gained from Pfizer documents released by court order. The data revealed that by February 8, 2021, at least 82% of pregnant women followed after receiving the Pfizer vaccine lost their babies. The outcomes represented 270 women who received the mRNA injection during pregnancy. Of those pregnant women, 238 were not followed – even though 75 of them experienced a serious, early adverse reaction.
Of the 34 pregnant women followed, at least 82% of the cases resulted in the death of a developing child.
Just two months after that crucial data was gathered, on April 23, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began recommending pregnant women get the COVID-19 vaccine. By the end of that month, the number of miscarriages reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) jumped from 159 the previous month to 264. Four months later, the number of reports had nearly tripled. And by the end of the year, over 3,379 reports of post-COVID vaccine miscarriage were submitted.
The total number of suspected vaccine-related miscarriage/stillbirth reports shot up in 2021. The number of miscarriages suspected to be related to other non-COVID vaccines (Flu, MPV, TDAP, MMR, Varicella) before or after the roll-out of the COVID vaccine did not begin to compare.

Now, let’s consider that because reporting adverse vaccine reactions to VAERS is completely voluntary, it is estimated to capture only about 1% of the actual injuries. Based on reports from healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public, it contains nowhere close to all-inclusive figures. If that 1% estimate is correct, then over 334,000 women experienced a miscarriage after being vaccinated for COVID in 2021. That’s about 9% of the total number of live births in 2021.
Granted, considering the fear Americans were experiencing during the pandemic and the CDC’s recommendation, the number of pregnant women who received the COVID vaccine likely far outweighed the number of pregnant women who received other vaccines during the same time frame or in previous years. Also, it is possible that miscarriages experienced by some women following vaccination were coincidental.
However, according to the VAERS data, of 2,601 women who reported miscarriages that occurred within 1-24 days following the COVID shot, nearly half happened within two days of the injection (37% occurred the same day, and 10% the following day).

“These numbers are not just numbers,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, “but they represent real people, families that have been deeply affected and wounded by the loss of a child – a child that would otherwise be part of this year’s joyous Christmas festivities. Even pro-abortion people recognize the deep grief felt when a child that is wanted is lost through miscarriage.
“It is incredibly disheartening that Americans have been betrayed after trusting our government to ensure that the vaccines would be researched, the results of that research would be transparently communicated, and safeguards would be applied to protect the men, women, and children of this nation.”