George Tiller’s Political Action Committee Documents Name Names

WICHITA, KS – Two reports obtained by Operation Rescue reveal the names and addresses of every contributor to late-term abortionist George Tiller’s Political Action Committee (PAC), ProKanDo, from July 23 through December 31, 2004, and includes disbursements for the General Elections held last November. (View Documents)
The purpose of ProKanDo is to elect politicians who will work to protect Tiller’s notorious, world-renown late-term abortion business that has earned Wichita, Kansas, the dubious title of the Abortion Capital of America.
“This is the ultimate Abortion Collaborator list,” said OR president Troy Newman. “We now know the names and addresses of everyone who not only gives Tiller money to protect his child-killing empire, but also the names and addresses of those who profit from the blood money disbursed by his PAC.”
ProKanDo has come under fire recently for its controversial methods of disbursing funds through other PACs. Operation Rescue has learned that Kansans for Moderate Government received 48.2% of all money expended by PKD from July 23 through October 21, 2004, and 34% of all PKD expenditures from October 22 through December 31, 2004.

“This is a questionable contribution practice that appears something akin to a money-laundering scheme, ” said Newman. “It removes the direct connection between Tiller and the campaign contribution.”
The State of Kansas requires that Political Action Committees file Receipts and Expenditure Reports to the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission. ProKanDo’s documents are signed by PKD Treasurer JoAn Armentrout, Tiller’s bookkeeper and acting clinic manager who stepped in after two of Tiller’s office managers quit last year during Operation Rescue’s “Year of Rebuke” exposure campaign.
The documents show contributions from across the spectrum of the liberal community including entertainers, university professors, attorneys, and other abortionists. The contributions come from all over the United States.
“There are a number of abortionists on these lists,” notes Newman. “They know if they help Tiller stay in business, they are helping themselves as well. Abortionists across America are acutely aware that if Tiller’s abortion empire falls, theirs is not far behind.”
Tiller’s ProKanDo had a dismal success rate during the last election cycle. Operation Rescue found only two candidates receiving campaign contributions from ProKanDo that won election, while all others lost. Newman was not surprised by the news. “It seems that an endorsement from ProKanDo is the equivalent to a political ‘kiss of death.'”