By Cheryl Sullenger
There can be no doubt that President Donald J. Trump has done more to advance a pro-life agenda than any other President in U.S. history.
It has been the philosophy of the Trump Administration since Day 1 to establish policies that respect and protect innocent life from conception until natural death.
“President Trump’s pro-life accomplishments have withheld billions in funding to abortion organizations at home and abroad, and created a Culture of Life within the Federal Government that is adding needed protections and saving lives,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Trump’s pro-life accomplishments make the case for a well-deserved second term for President Trump, who has been our most pro-life president ever. For him, it has always been ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ when it has come to the matter of abortion. I strongly urge everyone to vote for President Trump and Vice President Pence.”
But Newman has a warning about any potential Biden/Harris Administration, with less than a week to go before Election Day.
“Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have expressed support for codifying Roe v. Wade and expanding abortion in America and around the world,” said Newman. “A vote for them is a vote for more dead babies, and a vote for an end to our hope of building an Abortion-Free America. Our decision is clear. We must give President Trump a second term so he can continue to help us advance the Cause of Life.”
Here are twelve of President Trump’s pro-life accomplishments.
- Appointment of Judges and Justices that Uphold the Constitution
Perhaps the most impactful of President Trump’s accomplishments that affect the matter of abortion has been the appointment of nearly 300 new conservative judges to the Federal bench. This has essentially transformed the Federal judiciary, including the notorious Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which has gone from the most liberal Circuit in the nation to one that is now considered moderate – something court-watchers never thought possible.
President Trump has also appointed three Supreme Court Justices during his first term, including conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and most recently, Amy Coney Barrett, the first openly pro-life Justice on the Supreme Court. This has produced the first conservative majority on the High Court in decades.
President Trump’s judicial appointments give pro-life legislation new hope of withstanding challenges by abortionists, and also have created a climate for the first time in history where Roe v. Wade could be overturned, and an abortion ban is more likely to be upheld.
2. Halted International Funding of Abortions
President Trump issued an Executive Order soon after he was sworn into office in January 2017, that reinstated the Mexico City Policy, now known as the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy, which prohibits Federal tax money from funding or promoting abortion internationally. This has saved the American taxpayer untold millions of dollars each year that otherwise would have gone to abortion organizations such as International Planned Parenthood.
3. Stripped Planned Parenthood of Title X Grants
In April 2017, President Trump signed a bill into law that allowed states to defund Planned Parenthood of Title X Funding. Taking it a step further, President Trump approved the Protect Life Rule that prohibits any health organization that receives Title X Family Planning grants from conducting or referring for abortions. This has denied Planned Parenthood an estimated $60 million per year.
4. Allowed States to Withhold Medicaid Money from Abortion Businesses
The Trump Administration has issued Texas a Section 1115 waiver that allows it to divert Medicaid funding from abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood.
5. Defunded the Pro-Abortion United Nations Population Fund
The Trump State Department has defunded the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which supports forced abortion and limited family size in China. This saved U.S. taxpayers $32.5 million that otherwise would have gone to supporting the UNFPA’s abortion agenda.
6. Defunded the Pro-Abortion World Health Organization
The World Health Organization, an arm of the United Nations, has long been a promoter and funder of abortions on a global scale. On May 29, 2020, President Trump announced that America would cut ties with the WHO and would no longer fund them. While this was done primarily due to the WHO’s harmful COVID19 policies, it resulted in denying the WHO $450 million a year in U.S payments – some of which had been funding the expansion abortion world-wide.
7. Signed the Pro-Life Geneva Consensus Declaration
Trump Administration officials joined other world leaders at a signing ceremony on October 22, 2020, for the Geneva Consensus Declaration. This Declaration commits the U.S. and the other signing nations to establishing better health for women, protecting human life, and strengthening the family.
8. Appointed Pro-Life Supporters to Key Positions that Affect Abortion Policy
Trump has filled key positions with pro-life supporters. These people have been able to influence policies to defund abortion businesses and organizations. For example, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is strongly pro-life, has been able to effect foreign policy and prevent money from funding proabortion organizations. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is staffed with several pro-life supporters, and their policies have stripped Planned Parenthood of Title X money and exempted religious organizations from having to provide insurance that covers contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs.
9. Protected Babies Born Alive During Abortions
President Trump signed an Executive Order on September 25, 2020, which provides protections to infants born alive due to prematurity or abortions, and ensures these babies are legally entitled to medical care.
10. Stopped Funding Experiments with Aborted Baby Parts
The HHS and the National Institute of Health did not renew contracts this year that had funded experimentation using the remains of aborted babies.
11. Created the Office for Conscience Protections
The HHS established the Office for Conscience Protections and Religious Freedom, which has amended Federal law to provide stronger Civil Rights protections for health care workers who decline to participate in abortions due to their religious beliefs or conscience.
This Office also protects the Civil Rights of pro-life supporters who publicly advocate on behalf of the unborn and openly oppose pro-abortion policies.
12. Opposes Internet Censorship
Internet censorship prevents the free flow of ideas, including pro-life viewpoints, from being treated on an even playing field with those of opposing positions. Currently, content from Operation Rescue and other pro-life groups has been de-listed, censored, and suppressed by leftist pro-abortion tech giants. Some pro-life groups have even been de-platformed.
President Trump has opposed Internet Censorship and has advocated for a repeal of Section 230, which now places social media in a different class, and has led them to censor content. Repealing Section 203 would protect everyone’s ability to speak, and would restore our ability to communicate on social media information about abortion and the sanctity of life without censorship or suppression.