Activities Will Include…
Nightly Rallies: June 10, 11, 12 at 6:30 PM
of St. Louis, 3145 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, MO. Speakers include:
- Joseph
Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League
- Troy
Newman, Operation Rescue West
- Rev.
Ed Martin, Rescue American International
- Pastor
Clenard H. Childress Jr., New Jersey Director of the Life Education
and Resource Network (LEARN)
- Daniel
and Angela Michael, Small Victories
- Gregg
Cunningham, Center for Bioethical Reform
- Cheryl
Sullenger, California Life Coalition/Heartland Life Network
Rescue Outreaches at the Abortion Mills
and Saturday mornings join us in saving innocent lives from abortion.
Neighborhood Prayer Walks
Works! Many abortionists and abortion workers have QUIT killing after
prayer for them in their neighborhoods.
It’s just around the corner!
You are invited to attend a four-day pro- life event, VISION
FOR VICTORY, in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 10-13, co-sponsored
by Small Victories and Operation Rescue West.
This exciting time will include daily activism at the abortion mills,
on the streets, and in the neighborhoods of St. Louis and surrounding
communities. In addition, we will host nightly meetings at the Church
of St. Louis where a clear VISION FOR VICTORY over the abortion industry
will be presented with the goal of equipping you with the tactics and
support you need to END abortion in your community.
This could be one of the most important pro- life events
you will ever attend. This VISION FOR VICTORY is proven to work.
Using this Vision, 18 abortion mills have been forced to close
or move in one California County ALONE! Working together, we
can STOP ABORTION in our communities. Come to St. Louis and
learn how.
DATE: June 10-13, 2004
TIME: Rallies begin each evening at 6:30 PM
LOCATION: Church of St. Louis, 3145 Lafayette Ave., St.
Louis, MO
MORE: Full event schedule available at the Rallies