Recently, Randall Terry, who left Operation Rescue 18 years ago, has recently made statements in the media to which we must now comment.
Mr. Terry has said, among other things, that he believes the murder of late-term abortionist George Tiller “has the potential to propel us more quickly to our goal.”
Operation Rescue repudiates this statement as being completely false and out of touch with the reality of the situation. Operation Rescue has strongly denounced Tiller’s killing. Randall Terry is not affiliated with Operation Rescue and does not speak for this organization in any way.
In fact, it is Operation Rescue’s position that the Tiller murder was a set-back to the pro-life movement, especially since peaceful and legal means were making progress. OR had a number of complaints progressing through the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, which had taken the first steps in the process to revoke Tiller’s medical license. Those complaints against Tiller are now closed.
“Tiller’s killing denied the pro-life movement a victory through due process that would have been a clear boost for the pro-life movement,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Mr. Terry’s comments are offensive and out of touch. His comments are only meant to inflame emotions and garner him personal publicity and financial support, to which he has no accountability. He does not represent Operation Rescue in any way. It is a shame that he continues to confuse and even deceive people with his mischaracterizations. We have no choice but to set the record straight.”
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