California in economic emergency but still offers a blank check for abortions.

Los Angeles, CA – The Survivors, a pro-life youth group based in Southern California, protested at the Los Angeles office of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger over budget cuts of primary services when abortion funding remains untouched. Operation Rescue President Troy Newman joined in the protest.
The State of California has forced taxpayers to be the largest funder of abortions in the state, paying for 39% of all abortions done there at a cost of $36 million. There is no limit placed on the amount of money California taxpayers must pay. If a woman can qualify – and it isn’t that hard to do so – she can get a publically funded abortion.
The Survivors gathered outside Schwarzenegger’s office holding signs with slogans such as, “Fund Police Officers, Not Abortion” and “If You Are Pro-choice, Choose Teachers, Not Abortion.”
Gov. Schwarzenegger has declared an economic emergency in California but continues to refuse to cut abortion funding.
“It is fiscally irresponsible and morally reprehensible for Gov. Schwarzenegger to cut police, firefighters, and teachers while protecting abortion funding,” said Newman. “We urge the public to contact the Governor and ask him to stop bailing out the abortion industry.”
View additional photos, courtesy of the Survivors
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