Operation Rescue Demands That City Investigate Illegal Concealment of Child Rape
El Cajon, CA — A group of pro-life supporters peacefully prayed and endured threats from security personnel on Saturday as medical equipment was moved into a Planned Parenthood office that is scheduled to open on Monday, Oct. 2. The office has relocated there from a smaller, run-down building in another part of El Cajon. The group is working to close the clinic in the interest of public safety and welfare.
Pro-life supporters are concerned because there is evidence that this Planned Parehthood has been involved in the concealment of child rape.
In a recording produced by Life Dynamics, Inc., a receptionist from the El Cajon Planned Parenthood office is clearly heard telling a girl, who identified herself as 13-years old, that they would tell no one of her pregnancy that she said resulted from sexual contact with a 22-year old. It is illegal to conceal the suspected sexual abuse of the child. (Click here to listen to tape and read transcript.)
The El Cajon facility also plans to offer medical abortions using the killer abortion pill RU 486, which is responsible for at least six deaths in the U.S. since it hit the market in 2001.
“This abortion office presents a clear and present danger to the community because of their flagrant violations of laws that are meant to protect the vulnerable from sexual abuse and exploitation,” said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. “We are especially concerned that Planned Parenthood operates as if they are above the law by refusing to report incidents of suspected child rape.”
Operation Rescue is asking for the El Cajon City Council to request investigations by the appropriate agencies to stop Planned Parenthood’s exploitation of underage sex abuse victims and other violations of the law in which they might be engaged.
“We are asking the city to close this clinic. But in the meantime, we applaud the pro-lifers that courageously plan to maintain a regular presence a the facility — in spite of the threats and intimidation — in order to warn the community and offer help to women who may not understand the dangers they face there,” said Sullenger.
Operation Rescue encourages the public to contact the following members of the El Cajon City Council with their concerns.
El Cajon Councilman Bob McClellan at mcclellan6@cox.net
El Cajon Councilman Gary Kendrick at gpk@cox.net