Specter plans to block pro-life judges; Pro-lifers pray to block Specter from Judiciary Committee
*Note Date Change

Washington DC — A coalition of pro-life groups are planning a “pray-in” at the Dirksen Senate Office building to ask that pro- abortion Senator Arlen Specter not be re-appointed as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Specter has vowed to block any pro-life judicial appointments that Bush may make in his second term. The Chairman of the Judiciary has broad powers to essentially administratively block any presidential nominations to the bench.
The coalition opposing Specter includes national pro- life leaders Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, Rev. Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, Rev. Rob Schenck of Faith and Action, and Chris Slattery, a pro-life, pro-family activist from New York City.
Stop Specter Pro-life Pray-In
Tuesday, November 16*
12:30 PM

Assemble at 109 Second St. NE, Washington DC (near the Supreme Court)
The group will then proceed to pray outside the Dirksen Senate Office Building with plans to pray inside the Office of Senate Majority Leader Bill First, who is responsible for committee appointments.
“We urge people to contact Senator Frist and let him know that the President needs a loyal man at the helm of the Judiciary Committee, and that man is not Senator Specter, ” said the Rev. Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition.
“Specter’s attempt to challenge the right of the president to make judical appointments is outrageous,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “He cannot be allowed to single- handedly hold nominees hostage with whom he has a personal ax to grind.”
Contact information for Senator Frist:
Phone: 202-224-3344
Fax: 202-228-1264
E-mail via Senator Frist’s web site
Contact information for Pray-In:
General Information: 202-547-1735
Rev. Pat Manohey: 540-538-4741
Chris Slattery: 914-224-5773
Rev. Rob Schenck: 202-546-8329
Troy Newman: 316-841-1700