By Cheryl Sullenger
Washington, DC – In two historic speeches this week, President Donald Trump doubled down on his pro-life commitment, much to the angst of Democrats who fervently oppose Trump’s efforts to protect unborn babies.
But his increasing efforts to halt late-term abortions, defund Planned Parenthood, and create regulatory protections for human beings from conception until natural death come with a warning.
“We’re upholding the Sanctity of Life – the Sanctity of Life,” President Trump said to long applause at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 6, 2020.
He then added the following ominous caveat:
And we are doing that like nobody has ever done it before from this position. You better get out and vote on November Third. Because you have a lot of people out there who aren’t liking what we’re doing.
Pres. Trump’s full remarks at the 2020 National Prayer Breakfast. Pro-life comments begin at time marker 10:19.
Planned Parenthood has announced plans to spend a record $45 million to defeat President Trump in November. Other leftist population control supporters, such as the Democrat Party and organizations supported by George Soros, Bill Gates, and others are sure to dump in millions more.
“There’s no doubt that President Trump is becoming more vocal about his pro-life support,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Just over the past few weeks, he has appeared in person at the March for Life, made statements about ending late-term abortion at his rallies, and dramatically illustrated the sanctity of life at his State of the Union address and the National Prayer Breakfast.”
In his State of the Union Address on February 4, 2020, President Trump honored Robin Schneider and her 2-year-old daughter Ellie, who survived premature birth at 21 weeks, six days. He then voiced support for a ban on late-term abortions to protect babies like Ellie who are at risk of being brutally dismembered during abortions.
“Ellie Reminds us that every child is a miracle of life,” he said, then later added, “Whether we are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, surely we must all agree that every human life is a sacred gift from God,” he said.
At the National Prayer Breakfast just two days later, President re-emphasized his support for protecting babies from abortion and developing new treatments to save the lives of premature babies.
“Every child is a sacred gift from God,” he reiterated.
“While re-electing President Trump is of paramount importance, it is also necessary for solid, pro-life conservative Republicans to take control of the House of Representatives and maintain control of the Senate. Without all three, making pro-life advances will be difficult to impossible. It’s time to clear away the roadblocks and make America abortion free once and for all!” said Newman.
“God is moving on this President at such a time as this, just as He moved on men and women in Biblical times to deliver people from oppression and tear down the idols to which children were sacrificed,” Newman concluded. “But the road to deliverance from abortion and other evils that plague our nation runs through the ballot box this November. We must heed President Trump’s warning and turn out pro-lifers to vote like never before, or we can expect devastating setbacks under angry Democrats who are upset with our pro-life victories and want to get even. This is literally one of our last chances to end abortion in our lifetimes and save our country from what Ronald Reagan called ‘a thousand years of darkness.’”
The full State of the Union Address is posted below.