By Sarah Neely

Boulder, CO — Late-term abortionist Warren Hern, who is nearing 90 years of age, announced his retirement yesterday on the 52nd Anniversary of Roe and the 50th Anniversary of opening his horrific late-term abortion clinic in Boulder, Colorado.

For decades, Hern has committed some of the most gruesome murders imaginable, aborting babies through all nine months of pregnancy – full-term – at his killing center, Boulder Abortion Clinic PC.

Since the 1990s, Operation Rescue has worked fiercely to expose Hern and his abominable practice. Besides George Tiller, Hern has been the premier later-term killer in the United States. His book Abortion Practice, published in 1990, was the go-to manual on how to kill late-term babies for decades.

In a recent letter to the pro-abortion Ms. Magazine, Hern boasted of “providing the safest, most compassionate and highest quality outpatient abortion services available anywhere.” 

Jennifer DeBuhr, a woman who was left completely infertile by Hern after a harrowing late-term abortion, might disagree. 

DeBuhr came to Hern’s clinic in December 2014, after being told her baby would live less than a year if he survived delivery. To their own detriment, DeBuhr and her husband chose “termination” over giving their child the chance to live briefly and die naturally. 

According to DeBuhr’s lawsuit, the procedure proved so painful that she blacked out. Months later, she experienced unexplained bleeding. An ultrasound from her doctor revealed “an object of about four centimeters in length was cutting into Jennifer’s uterine wall.” Unable to remove the object any other way, DeBuhr had to undergo a hysterectomy in 2015, which revealed the “object” was a fragment of her baby’s skull, left in her body by Hern’s “high quality” services.

“Hern would like to paint himself as a long-suffering hero of ‘reproductive justice’,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “In reality, he has been a butcher of countless children in the womb – children who were capable of surviving outside the womb, who could feel excruciating pain, who could have already easily uttered a cry at a natural delivery. I would not doubt that Hern sometimes hears those cries in his sleep, and I pray in his final years that God brings him to a place of true repentance for his cold atrocities against fellow human beings. May God grant him the mercy of repentance and salvation before it is too late.” 

This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Sarah Neely, is Project Coordinator for Operation Rescue.”