By Cheryl Sullenger
Wichita, KS – Operation Rescue has received a letter from the Federal Elections Commission verifying that pro-abortion Trust Women PAC did indeed commit a violation of the Commission’s regulations when it failed to report over $8,000 in expenditures and loans made to the South Wind Women’s Center abortion facility in Wichita, Kansas.
The letter informed Operation Rescue that the complaint it filed that resulted in the FEC investigation is now closed.
Trust Women PAC was chaired by Julie Burkhart, a former lobbyist for late-term abortionist George Tiller. She is also the owner of the South Wind abortion facility.
“Burkhart’s paperwork was a huge mess, and none of her amended reports that were supposed to correct discrepancies were right, either. The shoddiness and incompetence reflected in those reports gives us reason to believe that the same shoddiness and incompetence can’t help but exist within her abortion business as well,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
The FEC also took issue with South Wind’s repayment of the loan, although it considered the amount of money too small to pursue further and closed the case last month, but not before fining the PAC over $4,000 for failing to file even a single proper report over a three year time-period that the Trust Women PAC was in operation.
Burkhart filed an official termination report, shutting down the PAC on May 15, 2014.
However, Trust Women PAC was cautioned by the FEC in June to correct its cash-on-hand balances on its disclosure reports from 2011 through 2014 and ensure that all future reports are in compliance with FEC regulations. Those corrections have not yet been filed.
“It is our understanding that Burkhart needs to file corrected records even though the PAC has been terminated,” said Newman. “Nevertheless, I find it troubling that the FEC considered the $37,000 is missing funds as little more than a paperwork snafu. People have gone to jail for less.”
Operation Rescue filed the complaint after reviewing the PAC’s contribution and disbursement filings and discovering $37,000 in funds that were missing or for which there was no accounting. Operation Rescue staff also discovered the disbursements that funded operating expenses for the South Wind abortion facility — disbursements that were not reported as a “loan” until after the PAC was notified of allegations in Operation Rescue’s complaint.
“The good news is that the Trust Women PAC is shut down and that no more money will flow into the coffers of pro-abortion candidates,” said Newman. “This has also effectively dried up one of the South Wind’s artificial money streams that was helping to prop up that abortion business. In the end, our complaint accomplished its goal.”
Read the FEC letter to Operation Rescue
Background: Read OR’s original report
PAC with Ties to Abortion Business Ordered to Correct Discrepancies Despite Terminating Operations