Truth Trucks Will Circle “Death March” With Graphic Evidence of Deception
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Operation Rescue West will expose the bloody truth behind the deceptive “March for Women’s Lives” that will be held in Washington D.C. on April 25, 2004. Truth Trucks are outfitted with special graphic signs depicting the gruesome remains of aborted children that are guaranteed to incur the wrath of the pro-abortion forces and unmask the lie that abortion benefits women.
Some pro-abortion groups have vowed to vandalize the Truth Trucks that are scheduled to traverse the streets of the nation’s capital for three days prior to the march as attendees gather from across the nation. ORW pledges to aggressively prosecute anyone who commits crimes against ORW staff or property.
“Since half of the 1.2 million babies aborted in our nation each year are female, the ‘March for Women’s Lives’ is a sick joke, grossly misnamed. The Truth Trucks will confront this hypocrisy with the grisly truth that cannot be ignored: Abortion isn’t about helping women; it is about dismembering healthy human babies.” -Troy Newman, President, Operation Rescue West
“As a woman, I am highly offended by this bogus march. From my experience over two decades of offering help to abortion-bound women, I can say with absolute surety that abortion’s destructive aftermath includes multitudes of broken women with broken lives. If the ‘death march’ organizers really cared for women, they would work ceaselessly to close down every abortion facility in America!” -Cheryl Sullenger, Operation Rescue West
Mr. Newman and Mrs. Sullenger will be in Washington DC for the event. Both are available for interview.