Sebelius has unprecedented ties to abortion corruption; OR urges supporters to immediately contact their senators to voice opposition to Sebelius’ confirmation.

Washington, DC — Operation Rescue has vowed to contest today’s nomination of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services with opposition to her confirmation.
“We are working to raise a unified voice in the pro-life/pro-family community against the confirmation of Gov. Sebelius,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Sebelius’ close connections to the abortion lobby, especially late-term abortionist George Tiller make her unfit to serve.”
Because many are unaware of Sebelius’ extremist support of the most radical of abortion policies Operation Rescue has produced a web page that fully documents her abortion entanglements.
“The documentation we present proves that Sebelius should not be confirmed to any post that would affect abortion policy.” said Newman.
The web page contains information about Sebelius’ radical abortion support dating back over twenty years. It documents:

• Sebelius’ ties to Tiller, who currently faces 19 criminal charges of having committed illegal late-term abortions. It lists shady campaign contributions from Tiller and shows evidence of a secret party she held in his honor.
• Powerful video clips from The O’Reilly Factor with a shocking interview of a former Tiller patient, and O’Reilly stating that Sebelius is not fit to serve. The videos show her support of Tiller places her at the leftist fringe of radical abortion policy.
• Sebelius’ politically-motivated meddling in a Medical Board investigation of Tiller regarding the 3rd trimester abortion death of Christin Gilbert.
• Sebelius’ defiance of the Catholic Church and Archbishop Joseph Naumann’s stern warning for her to refrain from Holy Communion until she makes amends for her support of abortion.
• Sebelius’ poor judgment in choosing political partners and appointments that have later been embroiled in charges of corruption.
• Sebelius’ opposition to common sense legislation that would have held abortion clinics to standards of safety and cleanliness, and opposed notifying women coerced into abortions of their right to refuse.

“With Obama’s appointment of Gov. Sebelius to the Department of Health and Human Services, he might as well be appointing George Tiller, because Tiller is the one that will be pulling her strings,” said Newman. “Sebelius’ involvement in Kansas abortion scandals and her indebtedness to the corrupt abortion lobby makes her unfit to serve. We urge our supporters to begin contacting their Senators now to voice opposition to Sebelius’ confirmation.”

  • Contact information of U.S. Senators
  • View Sebelius Unfit For HHS Post – Facts About Her Connections To The Abortion Cartel
  • OR fact checks Sebelius’s abortion statement.