The legacy of Operation Rescue’s dear friend, Mark Crutcher, lives on!
Life Dynamics released a new series of one-minute animated videos geared towards challenging pro-abortion rhetoric. The series covers fifteen different topics ranging from the use of graphic images, abortion exceptions, bodily autonomy and many more.
Mark Crutcher is the founder of Life Dynamics. Until his passing in March 2023, Mark dedicated his life to exposing the lies surrounding abortion. This included undercover operations, hard-hitting documentaries, articles, books and podcasts. You may recall his incredible documentary, Maafa21, or his shocking look into the abortion industry in his book, Lime 5.
This new series is no different, revealing just how disgusting and barbaric abortion really is. It dispels the lies of the abortion lobby
“It is so important to challenge the deceptions surrounding abortion in keen, intelligent ways,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Mark always did this exceptionally well, creating all forms of well-produced media that exposed the evil of abortion. This new series from Life Dynamics continues that trend. They are brief, succinct, and an excellent tool for any pro-lifer, especially in the realm of social media. Share these videos everywhere!”
To get started, check out Abortion Distortion #2 below, explaining why abortion advocates get so angry over photos of abortion victims…

The full video series is available HERE and the videos are also shareable from RUMBLE.
