Olympia, WA — Citing a steep hike in insurance rates, the Eastside Women’s Health Clinic announced Monday that it has stopped offering abortions. The spike in insurance occurred after the abortion mill was partially destroyed by arson last January. Investigators have said that there is no evidence that the arsonist was an “anti-abortion activist.” The mill had been operating out of a double-wide trailer ever since.
Pro-lifers like Ed Sauley of a group called Show the Truth are skeptical that insurance costs are the real reason for the termination of abortions at Eastside. Abortion mills across the nation have been closing at a remarkable pace due to a decreased demand for abortion, a lack of doctors willing to kill pre-born babies, and because of the faithful testimony of pro-lifers who publicly expose the horrific nature of abortion and who stand at the mills to offer help to abortion-bound women.
Sauley’s group had focused their efforts on Eastside, but are now moving on to one of the last two remaining abortion mills in the Olympia area.
“Show the Truth Washington State’s Olympia group will now focus our attention on a mill located a few blocks north of the intersection of Martin Way and Marvin Road,” said Sauley in a written statement. “This mill advertises abortions up to 51/2 months! We have reason to believe that these aborted babies end up at the University of Washington as baby parts.”
Operation Rescue looks forward to reporting on the eventual closure of this abortion mill as well!