Santa Ana, CA – The Orange County District Attorney’s office has notified a pro-lifer that it will not prosecute abortionist Howard Pfupajena for violently attacking him outside a Santa Ana abortion clinic on August 2, 2008.
The victim of the violent attack, who only wants to be known as Tim, was outside the Clinica Medica Para La Mujer abortion mill offering help to pregnant women when Pfupanjena attacked him. Tim was stuck repeatedly, fell to the ground, and was choked by Pfupanjena, because Tim had attempted to take his picture.
Tim sought medical treatment for lacerations and severe muscle pain after the attack.
“It is shocking that Pfupajena is not going to be charged for violently attacking and injuring an innocent man,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This decision sends the dangerous message that it is okay to attack a pro-lifer because you will not be held accountable. Given the recent rash of attacks on pro-lifers across the nation, the Orange County DA’s office has make an irresponsible decision that places people wishing to minister outside of abortion clinics at further risk.”
Other legal remedies are being explored.
Recent violence against pro-lifers appears to be escalating. Last weekend, a 72-year old woman was attacked and knocked to the ground outside an abortion clinic in Nebraska. A group of pro-life teens were attacked and wrongly arrested while protesting at the Democratic National Convention in Colorado in August. Other recent attacks include incidents of vehicular assault and a stink-bomb attack on pro-lifers in Kansas.
The abortion mill where the Pfupanjena incident took place is part of a chain of clinics that are in trouble with the law. Owner Bertha Bugarin was arrested and charged with 18 felonies in two counties for committing abortions without a medical license. She is currently awaiting trial and her Chula Vista abortion mill has closed.
Another abortionist in the chain, Laurence Reich, was arrested earlier this year for continuing to do abortions after having surrendered his medical license due to a second conviction of having committed sex crimes against his abortion patients.
The abortionist who claims to be the new owner of the abortion chain, Nolan Jones, has a long history of Medical Board discipline for sloppy abortions and other offenses. At last report, he was homeless and living inside his abortion clinics.

Contact information for Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas
(714) 834-3600
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