Wichita, Kansas – A local artist has allowed her original art works to embellish the Memorial to the Pre-Born at Operation Rescue’s new national headquarters.
Betty Bailey, a Wichita artist who specializes in infant portraits, has allowed six of her original artworks to hang in the building, four of which adorn a special wall that serves as a memorial to the pre-born. Bailey is also volunteers her time offering help to women outside George Tiller’s infamous late-term abortion mill.
“Betty’s art works bring home the humanity of the pre-born in a unique way,” said Operation spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. “It is impossible to look at the Memorial Wall and not consider the human tragedy of abortion, both in terms of innocent lives cut short, and the aching hearts of the women who now regret their abortions and can only dream of what their babies might have been.”
Operation Rescue bought the building housing the Central Women’s Services abortion clinic in Wichita in June of 2006, forcing the abortion business to close. OR allowed the clinic to remain untouched for several months in order to document the filthy and unsafe conditions that existed there, and to allow the community and media an opportunity to tour the building in the appalling condition that the abortion business left it.
In January, 2007, the building’s interior had been completely demolished and a dedication service was held.
Construction on the new floor plan for what would become Operation Rescue’s state-of-the-art national headquarters began later that year and today the dedicated OR staff works to stop abortion from the building where abortion claimed an estimated 50,000 innocent lives.
“We invite those who are in the Wichita area to visit our new headquarters inside this transformed abortion mill and pay their respects at our Memorial for the Pre-born. Come and take time to reflect on the value of each individual life, and the tour the office, which stands as a powerful testimony to the redemptive power of Jesus Christ,” said Sullenger.
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Visit Betty Bailey’s web site