Operation Rescue leader completely exhonerated
Wichita, KS — Charges of littering that landed Operation Rescue President Troy Newman in jail for eight hours on the eve of the Roe v. Wade anniversary have been dropped. Newman was charged after he placed a bag of dolls on the grassy public property outside George Tiller?s late-term abortion mill. Officer Darlene Zerr ticketed Newman for littering, which Zerr indicated on the ticket as including placing dolls on public property. Newman told Officer Zerr that he was not sure he could sign the ticket with a clear conscience since he was sure that no ordinance existed that included the wording referring to dolls that Zerr specified on the ticket. At that point Newman was cuffed and taken to jail.
Sidewalk counselors routinely place sidewalk counseling materials and baby gifts on the grassy strip to give to women considering abortions. The crack down on “littering” came after Tiller and his attorney met with police and insisted that the baby gifts be removed.
At a subsequent meeting between Operation Rescue and Wichita Police Department representatives, Newman was assured that there would be no further enforcement of that nature in the future. All the items confiscated by the police have since been returned.
“Although we are happy that the charges were dismissed, we are more pleased that our good relationship with the Wichita Police department has been restored,” said Newman. “This is a victory, not just for the First Amendment, but is also a victory for the sidewalk counselors and the women and babies they help.”
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