Cardiac Crisis, Two Possible Ectopic Pregnancy Ruptures
By Anne Reed
Sidewalk counselors at Cherry Hill Women’s Center (CHWC) in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, observed and documented multiple medical emergencies requiring hospital transport over the last several months.
The City of Cherry Hill and Camden County 911 services typically coordinate efforts, but the city is far less responsive to our requests, sometimes claiming no applicable records exist. But, in accordance with the federal Freedom of Information Act, Operation Rescue’s staff relentlessly pursued information concerning these injuries, including follow-up through the county, publicly available dispatch recordings, and boots-on-the-ground eyewitnesses.
As a result, extensive documentation has been secured for three medical emergencies: two potential ectopic pregnancy ruptures and a cardiac crisis.
October 8, 2022
This was clearly a day of drama at CHWC. Pro-lifers on the scene observed multiple emergency vehicles, as well as police presence that mid-morning on October 8, 2022. In addition to a patient suffering pain significant enough to require emergency transport, a 911 call was also made to dispatch police for an incident involving “facial bruising,” perpetrated by someone who had already left the scene.
The medical emergency that occurred that day involved a 32-year-old female suffering from a possible ectopic pregnancy and pain. The computer-aided dispatch transcript is available here. Ironically, it classifies the location of the emergency as “maternity,” which, by definition, refers to “the state of being a mother; motherhood.”
The patient was transferred to the neighboring city of Voorhees, to Virtua Voorhees Hospital, which is known for advanced medical and surgical expertise.
January 6, 2023
Another 911 call was made mid-morning on January 6 to request emergency transport for a 35-year-old woman with a “possible ruptured ectopic pregnancy.” The computer-aided dispatch transcript clarified the woman was five weeks pregnant, making her a likely prospect for an at-home chemical abortion.
She was also transferred to Virtua Voorhees Hospital for emergency intervention.
March 7, 2023
Eyewitnesses onsite at the late-term abortion facility observed an ambulance arrive shortly after 11 a.m. on March 7.
It was discovered through the 911 call recording and computer-aided dispatch transcript that this emergency involved a 24-year-old woman who was suffering from a dangerous cardiac episode.
The caller from CHWC stated that the woman suffering from chest pain had been given nitroglycerin and needed to be transferred to Jefferson, a local Cherry Hill hospital. (It is not known whether the patient was transported to the hospital of choice or sent to the more specialized Virtua Voorhes Hospital.)
When the dispatcher asked for medical history, the caller revealed the young woman suffered from Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a congenital defect of the heart’s electrical system causing what can be a life-threatening racing or irregular heartbeat. The emergency was coded Priority 1.
It is not known whether an abortion was performed on the young woman, if medication was inappropriately administered, or something else caused the cardiac emergency to take place while she was inside the building.
Dangerous Accommodations
According to Operation Rescue’s most recent annual survey, CHWC performed surgical abortions up to 27 weeks gestation last year, far beyond viability. According to recent investigative efforts, it has been learned that the facility raised its gestational limit even higher – to 28 weeks.
New Jersey is one of six states with no restriction on gestational limits.
This facility charges considerably more for a chemical abortion than it does for a first-trimester surgical abortion. Based on the decreased level of skill, equipment, overhead, and general effort required on the part of abortionists for a chemical abortion, abortion clinics recommend women take the route of do-it-yourself, at-home chemical abortion when possible.
Operation Rescue and other compassionate organizations and individuals have expressed urgent concern over the failure of many abortion facilities to perform ultrasounds and pelvic exams to rule out risks that would disqualify women from chemical abortions. Among these concerns, ectopic pregnancy is one of the most pressing.
If the abortionist does not perform an ultrasound or pelvic exam prior to administering the abortion-inducing drugs, she may not recognize the symptoms of a ruptured fallopian tube due to an undiscovered ectopic pregnancy. This is a likely scenario because the severe pain and extremely heavy bleeding are consistent with the symptoms caused by the chemical abortion drugs.
Typically, abortion clinics tell their patients to go to an emergency room if they experience complications. But if her concern over increased pain and bleeding caused her to return to the clinic, an emergency call would certainly be necessitated.
“If this reckless facility is not performing proper evaluations to ensure women are not suffering from an ectopic pregnancy before initiating a chemical abortion,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, “the abortionists should be sued by its clients for malpractice. In the meantime, we are pursuing an investigation by the state medical board.”
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