Topeka, KS — After his first 100 days in office, Attorney General Paul Morrison has received a failing grade from Operation Rescue for refusing to enforce the Kansas ban on post-viability abortions.
“Morrison gets an ‘F’ on enforcing Kansas law because he still has not reinstated charges against abortionist George R. Tiller for committing illegal late-term abortions,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In fact, he has taken active steps to conceal the truth about the case from the people of Kansas and ensure that the case stays out of court.”
Morrison indicated at a March 27 press conference that one of the reasons for a delay on a decision whether or not to prosecute Tiller, was that the records were “voluminous” and that it has taken a full-time assistant Attorney General over three months to review them.
“Our sources inform us that a competent attorney should have been able to make a determination about the Tiller case after about 15 minutes of document examination,” said Newman. “Morrison is wasting time and tax money on a case that should have been decided on in a few minutes. Is Morrison incompetent or just corrupt?”
Morrison also promised not to interfere with a writ of mandamus filed with the Kansas Supreme Court, then went back on his word and withdrew the motion before the Court had an opportunity to rule.
Now, Morrison is misrepresenting his withdrawal of the writ, giving Kansans the impression that the Court dismissed the motion to reinstate Tiller’s charges on its merits.
Hays resident John Pyle attended a meeting on Friday, April 13, where he asked Morrison about the Tiller case. Pyle told the
“He [Morrison] told us that probable cause was not enough to pursue due to the nature of how they must proceed…Then he went on to explain to everyone how a district judge and higher had dismissed the case. Time was up, he thanked everyone and dismissed the crowd.”
The district judge Morrison referred to was Judge Paul Clark, who is currently facing an ethics investigation for not revealing his campaign finance ties to Tiller attorney Dan Monnat and Tiller friend District Attorney Nola Foulston. Clark dismissed the case against Tiller without reviewing its merits.
“It is obvious that Morrison is not telling the truth about the Tiller case,” said Newman. “He should immediately withdraw from making decisions about it, and allow a special independent prosecutor to proceed with the charges.”
Read previous release concerning other problems in the current Morrison administration.