Allen S. Palmer is a circuit riding abortionist who has criminal conviction and discipline in several states.
By Cheryl Sullenger
Topeka, KS — The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA) held a hearing yesterday for 78-year old abortionist Allen S. Palmer, for violations related to an abortion on a 13-year old girl.
Palmer conducts abortions at Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, South Wind Women’s Center in Wichita, and at Whole Women’s Health in Peoria, Illinois. He has also been known to work for Planned Parenthood in St. Louis, Missouri, since his own St. Louis area abortion facility closed in February, 2011.
According to the Associated Press, while working at the Overland Park Planned Parenthood in December 2014, Palmer conducted a first trimester abortion on the underaged teen and failed to retain part of the tissue from the aborted baby and submit it to the Kansas Bureau of Investigations, as required by law for abortions on girls 13 and younger. The tissue was supposed to be sent to the state law enforcement agency to be preserved as evidence in the event a criminal investigation was necessary.
Planned Parenthood reported the violation.
Palmer told the KSBHA that he did not know the girl was only thirteen, and if he had, he would not have proceeded with the abortion, claiming he did not see girls that young. Palmer said he relied on Planned Parenthood staff to inform him “if there’s a problem.”
He also felt no need to familiarize himself with Kansas law regarding abortions on minors, according to the disciplinary petition obtained by Operation Rescue.
“It looks like Planned Parenthood threw Palmer under the bus by reporting his violation, then Palmer blamed Planned Parenthood for not telling him the patient was only thirteen. Everyone is playing the blame game, an no one is taking responsibility for destroying evidence in a potential crime,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
As the KSBHA takes the decision to discipline Palmer under consideration, one question remains unanswered. Did Palmer even bother to look at the girl’s medical history before conducting a surgical abortion on her?
Apparently not. If he had, he would have clearly seen the patient’s date of birth. That begs the next question. How could Palmer know if the patient had a medical history that contraindicated surgical abortion if he didn’t look at her medical record? Relying on staff who are not licensed physicians for that determination seems risky, at best.
Palmer, who is a Doctor of Osteopathy, has a long history of disciplinary action and criminal conduct.
In 1979, Palmer was incarcerated and fined after he pleaded guilty to filing a false corporate tax statement in a U.S. District Court in Missouri.
In 1981, Palmer’s home state of Missouri placed him on probation and ordered him to perform charity service at a St. Louis area hospital in lieu of surrendering his license.
Palmer was subsequently fined and his licenses placed on probation by Florida and Illinois.
Even though his criminal conviction and disciplinary issues disqualified him from licensing in Kansas, in 2008, the KSHBA under disgraced former Executive Director Larry Buening oversaw a unanimous vote to issue a license to Palmer despite full knowledge of his horrific record.
Buening was an associate of then-Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who was well-known for her outspoken support for unrestricted abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Later, Buening was forced to resign in 2008 — shortly after signing off on Palmer’s Kansas license — under a cloud of incompetence and corruption allegations.
A decision on Palmer’s most recent disciplinary case, which could result in license suspension or revocation, is expected in the coming weeks.
View the 2017 KSBHA Petition against Palmer
View Palmer’s profile on for additional documents.