From there, it’s on to Washington, DC for prayer during the partial-birth abortion ban case

Sioux Falls, SD — Operation Rescue President Troy Newman and some of the OR staff will be traveling to South Dakota over the weekend to participate in the “72-Hour Campaign” in support of Referred Law 6, South Dakota’s historic abortion ban.
“I encourage anyone who can to join me in South Dakota and be part of this momentous occasion in our nation’s history. There is no election of greater importance to the protection of innocent children in the womb than this one. I urge you to come to South Dakota and help ensure a historic pro-life victory there,” said Newman.
For more information, or to sign up for the “72-Hour Campaign,” go to VoteYesForLife.Com.
Then, on November 7-8, Operation Rescue urges you to join them in Washington, D.C. to participate in a 26-hour prayer vigil to be held during oral arguments in the Gonzales v. Carhart partial-birth abortion ban case. The vigil is sponsored by OR and a coalition of pro-life groups.
Nebraska abortionist LeRoy Carhart will be before the nation’s highest court again arguing that the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 is unconstitutional. This will be the first opportunity to see how the new Roberts court will deal with the most important moral issue of our day.
The prayer vigil will take place in front of the United States Supreme Court from 10 AM on Tuesday, November 7 until Noon on Wednesday, November 8.
For more information, contact the Operation Rescue office at 800-705-1175.