[Below is a press release put out by former leaders of Operation Rescue. It was not generated by our organization. We post it for your information. -OR Staff]

Former National Operation Rescue Leaders Publicly Support Operation Rescue Director Troy Newman After Randall Terry Files Unbiblical Lawsuit

MEDIA ADVISORY, May 29 /Christian Newswire/ — The men and women listed below were prominent national leaders of Operation Rescue during the period of Randall Terry’s involvement in the organization.

They are stunned and angered by Mr. Terry’s public attacks against the excellent work of Troy Newman and Operation Rescue in Wichita, Kansas, especially in the face of Mr. Terry abandoning Operation Rescue leadership over 15 years ago.

They felt Mr. Terry’s vindictive and unchristian actions along with the harmful impact on the great work of Operation Rescue demanded this strong public response.

The former leaders have long disassociated from Randall Terry after his repeated refusal to submit to biblical restoration and oversight and Mr. Terry’s continued negative lifestyle choices. These leaders can no longer work with Mr. Terry on any public projects.

Some of Mr. Terry’s unbiblical lifestyle decisions include:

  • Misstatements and deception to donors about his financial situation.
  • Misuse and lack of accountability with respect to hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from the pro-life community.
  • Improper and immoral relationships.

The Operation Rescue leaders are praying that Randall Terry repents and seeks God’s help for spiritual restoration, healing of shattered and broken relationships and restitution of all ill-gained funds. They are also willing to sit down with Mr. Terry and other Christian leaders, in a biblical fashion, for prayer and to discuss their concerns.

Jeff White, former National Tactical Director with Operation Rescue, states, “It is with grief and brokenness that we send out this statement. For years, many have prayed and counseled with our brother Randall Terry as he continued in a sinful and manipulative lifestyle. Sadly, he has rejected all counsel and guidance from many Operation Rescue national leaders and chose a self-centered life narrative.

“Throughout this time, we have chosen to remain silent in hopes that somehow Randall would find his internal spiritual bearings and return back to a life of integrity and purpose. However, this is not the case.

“We now feel compelled to speak up because Randall’s actions are hurting the work of Troy Newman and Operation Rescue in their efforts to see George Tiller end his barbaric abortion practices in Wichita, Kansas. Additionally, we can no longer remain silent while Mr. Terry continues to fleece unsuspecting pro-life people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars for his personal and selfish gain.”

A partial list of the Operation Rescue leaders who, with great sadness, have signed this statement include:

Rev. Keith Tucci, former National Director
Rev. Joseph Foreman, former acting National Director
Rev. Patrick Mahoney, former National Media Director
Jeff White, former National Tactical Director
Susan Peters, former National Spokesperson
Ken Reed, former Regional Director
Katie Mahoney, former Spokesperson
Rev. Joseph Slovenec, former national leadership team
Cheryl Conrad, former regional leader

For more information or interviews contact: Jeff White at 909.744.4479