By Sarah Neely

Washington D.C. – More outrageous sentences were handed down yesterday for the nine pro-lifers who participated in a peaceful rescue at a D.C. abortion clinic in 2020.

  • Will Goodman was sentenced to 2 years, 3 months.
  • Herb Geraghty was also sentenced to 2 years, 3 months.
  • Jonathan Darnel was sentenced to 2 years, 10 months.
  • Jeanne Marshall was sentenced to 2 years. 
  • Joan Andrews Bell, recipient of Operation Rescue’s 2023 Malachi Person of the Year Award, was sentenced to 2 years, 3 months. 

“All defendants so far have been credited for 9 months time served, which means the months they have already spent in prison will be counted towards their sentences,” says Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “However, that can hardly be called mercy or kindness when non-violent citizens utilizing their right to peacefully assemble have been thrown in prison – not because of their actions – but because they dared challenge the Abortion Cartel that Biden and his extremist administration will do anything to protect. That includes stripping American citizens of their constitutional freedoms.”

Co-defendant Jean Marshall, a 74-year-old woman suffering from debilitating arthritis, requested to serve her 2 year sentence in her home. With time served, that will become 1 year and 3 months. That request was denied, even though it’s been reported Marshall developed pneumonia during her immediate incarceration to await trial, which went untreated for weeks. She also needs a hip replacement, which was denied. 

“An elderly woman recovering from pneumonia and suffering from severe arthritis is hardly a flight risk. And she’s already served nine harsh months in federal prison for nothing more than sitting peacefully in an abortion clinic, praying for preborn children. The message from Biden’s DOJ here is not justice, it is ‘challenge our sacred cow of abortion and we will destroy your life.’”

Two more rescuers await sentencing later this month.

To find out more about these and other rescuers currently incarcerated, please visit Operation Rescue’s up-to-date list of Prisoners for Christ. Operation Rescue has always maintained such a list, as rescue is the heart of our organization. The webpage provides addresses and instructions on how to write letters to these courageous pro-lifer advocates. 

As always, in accordance with Hebrews 13:3, Operation Rescue encourages you to pray for these pro-life heroes and even send them notes of encouragement.