Operation Rescue seeks additional information about abortionists around the nation for a new project that could prevent additional abortion tragedies

Salt Lake City, UT – Regulators in the State of Utah have promised to created a searchable database that will give the public access to disciplinary action for physicians licensed in Utah, even if the discipline is from another state.
The change was prompted after Operation Rescue drew attention to troubled Utah abortionist Nicola Riley, whose Maryland license was suspended due to her involvement in an illegal late-term abortion ring operated by the notorious Steven Chase Brigham. That illegal abortion operation was discovered in August, 2010, after Riley seriously botched a late-term abortion at a “secret” abortion clinic in Elkton, Maryland, then delayed emergency care with her suspicious behavior. Police raided the clinic and discovered the bodies of 35 late-term aborted babies, most of which were viable. A criminal homicide investigation remains underway.
Operation Rescue began to research her past and discovered that Riley had lied on her medical license applications in three states by understating her involvement in a credit card/identity theft case and misrepresenting her actual 30-month incarceration in a Federal Military Prison. That information was passed on to authorities in Maryland, Utah, and Wyoming, where Riley held licenses.
Maryland suspended her license and filed formal charges against Riley for lying about her past. Wyoming forced her to surrender her license after confirming that she lied to gain licensure in that state as well. Virginia halted processing of an application Riley had opened in that state after learning of the Maryland charges.
“But to look at Riley’s Utah medical license information, no one would have any idea of her checkered background,” said Operation Rescue Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger. “That lack of information could lead people to think that Riley’s record was spotless when in fact she has major legal and ethical issues.”
Eventually, the Riley case caught the attention of State Legislators who were surprised to learn that information about Riley’s troubles was not available through the Utah Department of Occupations and Licensing (DOPL). This prompted the filing of legislation that would order regulators to track physicians’ employment information, malpractice claims, and other data.
Finally, on March 8, 2011, the DOPL entered an agreement with Riley ordering her to cease all abortion operations until the Maryland case can finally be decided.
Last week DOPL announced plans to make changes so that public can find out if any Utah physician has had problems in another state.
“This is a change for the better that will have positive effects beyond the matter of abortion,” said Sullenger. “Putting this kind of information in the hands of the public will serve to prevent future tragedies and heartache. Not many people will be willing to patronize a physician that has been deemed a danger to the public, as was the case with Riley. That makes the world a little bit safer, but there is still a long way to go.”
Doing More:
Operation Rescue is asking for pro-life supporters around the country to assist us by contributing information for a ground-breaking new project that could help expose the full scope of abortion misdeeds in active abortionists nationwide.
“We have found that information about troubled abortionists like Riley is not easily accessible, even with several states providing disciplinary records,” said Sullenger. “The worst of the worst often fly under the radar, as was the case with Riley, Brigham, and accused murderer Kermit Gosnell, whose horrific late-term abortion/infanticide operation was discovered accidentally when police raided his clinic thinking it was a ‘pill mill’.
“We are currently conducting a massive research project to identify every abortionist in the country along with information about discipline, malpractice cases, and other problems. This is a huge project that could have national impact on the abortion cartel, which thrives when shrouded in secrecy. That’s why we need help from the pro-life community.”
Operation Rescue is asking activists from every community in America to call or e-mail information about abortionists in their areas. We are looking for the names of abortionists and the name of the clinic where they work. We would also appreciate any documentation concerning board discipline, criminal history, malpractice cases, verifiable botched abortions and other similar information. Once compiled, the information will be made available on-line.
Please call 1-316-683-6790 ext. 103 or e-mail the information to contact@operationrescue.org. (Corrected e-mail address)