Wichita, KS — Operation Rescue missionary Jeff Herzog reports that a baby was saved on Christmas Monday because of one of Operation Rescue’s signs. A Kansas couple came to George Tiller’s Women’s Health Care Services, the largest late-term abortion mill outside Communist China, for an abortion of their 5-month old pre-born child. One of the sidewalk counselors talked to the couple, who noticed the large sign that read, “Tiller the Killer Strikes Again. Butchers women. Butchers babies. Who’s next?” with the enlarged photo of him unloading a botched abortion victim from the ambulance at Wesley Hospital. She explained to the couple that, in addition to the death of the baby, women have been seriously hurt by botched abortions at that abortion mill.
The couple agreed to go next door to the Choices Medical Clinic, a pro-life center that offers alternatives to abortion. They received a free, 3-D ultrasound and discovered that their baby was a little boy. They decided against abortion, but had pre-paid nearly $1,000 to the mill for the cost of the abortion.
The couple returned to Tiller’s to get their money back. They later explained to rescuers that while he did refund the full amount, Tiller tried to make them feel guilty about not having the abortion. He said, “You’ll just go somewhere else to have the abortion.” But they told him, “No, we’re keeping our baby.”
As the couple was leaving, sidewalk counselors gave them gifts of baby blankets and clothing. Ironically, while the couple was receiving their gifts, Tiller left the mill and saw the young mom and dad being ministered to by the rescuers who were standing next to the sign that displayed the Tiller mishap. One of the pro-lifers noticed Tiller muttering under his breath as he drove away, apparently none too happy that another one got away. But it was a wonderful Christmas present for the rescuers who rejoiced that a precious life was spared!