UPDATE: Biomedical Recovery Systems has quit pickups of aborted baby remains at Carhart’s ACO late-term abortion facility in Bethesda, Maryland. This article has been edited as a result and video has been removed from Youtube.com. See press release announcing this victory.
By Cheryl Sullenger
Bethesda, MD – Once LeRoy Carhart and his very-late-term abortion facility, Abortion Clinics.org (ACO), in Bethesda, Maryland, lost their waste disposal contractor two weeks ago, it was understood that he would begin to scramble for someone else to haul away the aborted baby remains that were piling up at his facility.
It was hoped he would never find one. Unfortunately, there seems always to be someone who is eager to profit at the expense of others.
With the help of alert local activists, Operation Rescue has confirmed that Carhart is now contracted with Biomedical Recovery Systems for the pickup and disposal of the bodies of babies he aborts, some of which are well over 30 weeks gestation.
On June 19, 2018, long-time pro-life activist Dick Rhetta was at the Wildwood Medical Center in Bethesda where Carhart’s late-term abortion business is located. Dick was reaching out to other offices in the building – mostly dentists and orthodontists – to ask them to assist in efforts to persuade Aubinoe Management Company to terminate Carhart’s lease.
That’s when Rhetta noticed a driver from Biomedical Recovery Systems leaving the ACO suite wheeling away a large red plastic biohazard container with his hand truck. The company’s information was clearly printed on the door of its large box truck parked outside.
This was the first pickup of aborted baby remains since June 5 when its former waste disposal company, Biomedical Waste Services, quit after pro-life supporters contacted the business’ owners.
[This campaign has been successfully completed.]
UPDATED! Carhart’s New Waste Company: Money More Important Than Human Life