Rescuer Who Suffered Stroke in Jail Sentenced to Two Years, Two Pro-Life Organizations and Four More Pro-Lifers Attacked

By Anne Reed

Washington, D.C. — Operation Rescue called for prayer for Heather Idoni in early May after she suffered a stroke while incarcerated for her courageous, participation in a peaceful protest at the notorious late-term abortion center, Washington Surgi-Clinic. Supporters were also asked to contact the judge responsible for sentencing Idoni and other pro-lifers. On Wednesday, Idoni was sentenced to two years in prison for violating the FACE Act and for Civil Rights Conspiracy.

“Although the prison term set for Idoni and other pro-lifers recently sentenced are unquestionably unjust, prayers and pleadings with the judge did result in less time than originally thought possible,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “For that, we are grateful to the many pro-life Americans who went to battle for these heroes.”

Please continue to pray for Idoni during this extremely trying time. She has already served nine months of her two-year sentence, but she is also awaiting sentencing for her participation in a peaceful protest outside Nashville, Tennessee.

More than a dozen pro-lifers have been thrown in prison as part of the Biden Administration’s scandalous assault on pro-life Americans like Idoni and others who have exercised their First Amendment right to protest a vicious, murderous act against incredibly vulnerable human beings. Furthermore, on Monday, the Department of Justice filed a federal lawsuit in the Northern District of Ohio against two pro-life organizations and seven individuals: Laura Gies, Lauren Handy*, Clara McDonald, Monica Miller, Christopher Moscinski*, Jay Smith*, and Audrey Whipple. Three of the seven (identified with asterisks), are already incarcerated for protests in states other than Ohio.

The lawsuit claims Citizens for a Pro Life Society, Red Rose Rescue, and the pro-life protestors violated the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act on June 4 and 5, 2021, by preventing abortions from being performed or received. Financial damages of up to $30,000 and injunctive relief are being sought.

“Idoni, the others who are incarcerated, and those newly targeted for their sacrificial dedication to speak for unborn children, are to be respected and admired,” said Newman. “This is what Operation Rescue was built upon. The rights of countless compassionate Americans have been violated over the decades for obeying God over man, but this is a new day. The Biden administration places a high priority on population control and is using every stop to ensure those who do not bow down to the globalist agenda are severely punished.”