Wichita, KS — A baby shower was held on Saturday, July 16, 2005, to bless Baby Sage Elisabeth and her mom, Andrea, who saved her baby from abortion last December. (Read Story) The even was co-sponsored by Operation Rescue and the Kansas Coalition for Life and was attended by about 40 pro-lifers who generously gave useful baby items and promised long-term support for both mom and child.
“We don’t want you to think this is the end,” said Mark Gietzen, director of KCFL. “This is just the beginning. We are here for you.”
“This is a side of the pro-life movement that is rarely seen,” said OR president Troy Newman. “All over the country, pro-lifers sacrificially give support to women like Andrea, quietly and without fanfare. The generosity shown by the pro-life community today dispels the pro-abort falsehood that pro-lifers only care about the baby before she is born and disappear afterwards.”
On behalf of Andrea and her precious baby, Sage, Operation Rescue would like to thank everyone who attended the baby shower and/or donated baby items to help this needy family. God bless you for sharing Christ’s love. We ask for continued prayers for Andrea and Sage.