Why did Tvedten want that child drugged?
By Cheryl Sullenger
Little Rock, AR – An Arkansas abortionist, Thomas H. Tvedten, 74, has had his medical license suspended on an emergency basis after the Arkansas State Medical Board (ASMB) determined that his acts of “gross negligence and ignorant malpractice” on a minor girl posed a danger to the public.
In Tvedten’s emergency suspension document, the ASMB references his failure to properly evaluate and diagnose a minor girl, “TS”, when he “certified the child for a medical marijuana card.”
The emergency suspension order, dated August 13, 2020, will be in force until a disciplinary hearing can be held. That hearing is scheduled for October 1, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. at the Medical Board offices in Little Rock.
“It is very difficult to persuade a medical board to suspend an abortionist’s license on an emergency basis. The offense has to be considered egregious with the belief that further harm will come if the person is allowed to continue practicing medicine,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “But on a personal level, as a father, the fact Tvedten was helping a little girl get marijuana raises disturbing questions about why he wanted that child drugged.”
It is unknown if the minor was also one of Tvedten’s abortion patients. More information about the case is expected to become public after the October 1 hearing.
Tvedten, who is the owner of the Little Rock Family Planning abortion facility in Little Rock, Arkansas, has previously run afoul of the Medical Board in another drug-related violation. In 1983, Tvedten’s medical license was suspended for three months after he admitted “supplying patients with Demerol injections to be injected at the discretion of the patient.”
In 1987, Tvedten pleaded guilty to Criminal Mischief, a second-degree misdemeanor for unspecified criminal acts.
Tvedten is also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist who has published videos and operates a blog where he opines that the buildings that collapsed in New York during the September 11, 2001, attacks were brought down by controlled demolition.
Operation Rescue has documented 67 known medical emergencies at Tvedten’s Little Rock Family Planning that have required women to be transported by ambulance to local hospitals for serious abortion-related injuries.
New Temporary Medical Director
Tvedten is also a plaintiff in a Federal lawsuit that is challenging the constitutionality of an Arkansas law that requires abortionists to be board-certified or eligible for board certification as Obstetrician/Gynecologists.
According to a motion recently fled in that suit, Little Rock Family Planning has two abortionists, Tvedten and Thomas Horton, that provide 94% of all abortions at that facility. Neither meet the Ob/Gyn requirement. Another abortionist, Fred Hopkins of California, conducts abortions once every other month at the Little Rock facility, but is unable to fill in for Tvedten due to scheduling issues.
The abortion facility instead has hired nationally-known abortionist Willie Parker to act as Medical Director and fulfill the ObGyn requirement on a temporary basis in order to keep the facility from closing.

As previously reported by Operation Rescue, Parker was once idolized by the left, but fell out of favor after a woman came forward and posted a blog about an unwanted sexual encounter with Parker and warnings about what she believed was his predatory sexual behavior.
After the allegations surfaced, several pro-abortion organizations distanced or cut ties with Parker, including the National Abortion Federation, Physicians for Reproductive Health, and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
Newman considers the abortion facility too dangerous to operate. He concluded, “Given the number of medical emergencies at Little Rock Family Planning, the inability to consistently meet regulations, and the seriousness of accusations involving sex abuse and drugs against its abortionists, it would be safer for the public to just shut that abortion business down.”
- Visit Tvedten’s profile page at AbortionDocs.org.
- Visit Parker’s profile page at AbortionDocs.org.