Maternal Abortion Injuries Continue in Illinois and Other States Where Abortion Rates Increase

Flossmoor, Illinois – Once again the myth of “safe abortion” has been proven to be just a myth. On August 20, yet another woman was rushed to the emergency room after an abortion procedure – an occurrence which comes as no surprise in Illinois, a state which has become an abortion destination. The mother underwent an abortion at Planned Parenthood in Flossmoor and sadly joined the list of many women who have become victims of the abortion cartel’s greed.

An employee from Planned Parenthood called 911 to request a “transfer” for a patient that presented with excessive bleeding. As one of the most common complications women suffer during and after surgical abortions, hemorrhaging is often caused by an extremely dangerous uterine perforation from the abortion instruments puncturing the uterine wall. 

Sometimes it is caused by lacerations in the cervix, and occasionally there are other causes. Although we know this woman was rushed to the emergency room with excessive bleeding, we do not know the exact cause or if she survived. Even with survival, this type of injury could also result in a permanent inability to carry a child, a scarred cervix, pelvic abscesses, or other lifelong conditions.

The Flagship Abortion State

Illinois has become one of the main abortion destinations in the country. According to data from the Illinois Department of Health from 2022 – the year Roe v. Wade was reversed – 56,457 abortions were reported. The number of lives lost by abortion equals  almost half the population of Peoria, the eighth most populated city in the state. It is difficult to estimate the total number of abortions in 2023 and 2024, and official reports have not been released yet. However, the number of abortions spiked following the Roe reversal, because several Illinois abortion facilities expanded operations, and other abortion profiteers from states that installed protections for unborn children moved their businesses to Illinois.

This is perhaps why the Democratic Party held its convention in Chicago and put a huge focus on “reproductive rights.” During the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Planned Parenthood parked a “mobile clinic” just a few blocks from the site where the convention was hosted and scheduled appointments for free abortions. During the first two days of the DNC alone, 25 babies were reportedly murdered using chemical abortion drugs from this mobile “clinic” manned by Colleen McNicholas, an abortionist with a disturbing background. The so-called clinic also offered appointments to sterilize men free of charge. 

When states like Illinois and others do not protect children in the womb, abortions increase in number and so do maternal injuries and deaths, especially in states where late-term abortion is legal. Even states that have a reputation for being historically conservative have become abortion destinations. Kansas, for example, has seen an exponential increase in abortion numbers. 

Be a Truth-Teller 

“There is no doubt that we have seen an increase in abortion numbers in states that were already open to this barbaric practice, and in other unexpected states. Women from states like Texas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Missouri seek abortions in these butcheries in Kansas, Illinois, and other nearby states like New Mexico and Colorado that have no gestational limit and have seen *abortion numbers double or triple in recent years,” said Troy Newman, Operation Rescue President. “While it appears that business has been ‘good’ for these abortion profiteers, stories of women suffering from abortion emergencies like this one in Illinois – another woman hemorrhaging – keep coming week after week to Operation Rescue. More women than ever are being injured in states where abortion is legal, especially in states where laws protecting women are few and where abortion is allowed very late in pregnancy.”

Newman added “All these reports of emergencies are only from abortion facilities where either pro-life eyewitnesses like sidewalk counselors and prayer warriors were on the scene, or concerned family members took courage to relay information that we could further investigate. 

“We believe that many other emergencies go unreported or are silenced either because pro-lifers are not on the scene or because the women injured remain quiet out of shame. If you are pro-life and witness an ambulance at any abortion facility, please reach out to us.  Our team will be ready to research and request the pertaining records.”


* Kansas has experienced an aggressive increase in abortion numbers since 2022. Projections made by Operation Rescue show approximately 26,000 abortions by the end of 2024, compared to only 7,849 abortions in 2021, reflecting a whopping 231% increase.

In New Mexico, according to estimates provided by the Guttmacher Institute arm of Planned Parenthood, 21,000 abortions took place in 2023. When comparing that figure to 5,880 abortions reported in 2020, a staggering 257% increase was realized in just three years.

In Colorado, between 2020 to 2023, abortions almost doubled from 13,420 cases to 25,200.