Could lose license, face criminal charges in Hialeah baby murder case

Tampa, FL – Abortionist Pierre Renelique will go before the Florida Medical Board on Friday, February 6, 2009, in Tampa, Florida, and face accusations brought by the Health Department that he committed malpractice when he did not show up to attend one of his abortion patients, who gave birth to a 23-week old baby, Shanice Denise Osbourne at his Hialeah abortion mill. An unlicensed worker, Belkis Gonzalez, then cut the struggling baby’s cord, shoved her into a trash bag, then hid her body on the roof of the abortion mill.
The board will determine if Renelique will be stripped of his medical license.
Because of your calls to the Miami-Dade County State Attorney’s Office, a representative told the AP yesterday that prosecutors were nearing a decision on criminal charges in the death of Baby Shanice!
Please keep the calls going to the State Attorney’s office and ask for criminal charges to be filed against Renelique, Gonzalez, and their cohorts for murdering Shanice Denise Osbourne. Call Prosecutor David Waksman at (305) 547-0430. Then please pray for today’s Medical Board hearing.
Read yesterday’s AP story for more information.