By Cheryl Sullenger

San Francisco, CA – The Planned Parenthood RICO case against pro-life activists, who exposed the trafficking of aborted baby parts for profit, is now in its third week. Defendants include Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman, along with Sandra Merritt, Albin Rhomberg, and David Daleiden.

Significant testimony was given yesterday by former Planned Parenthood abortionist Mary Gatter.

Gatter, who served as President of the Medical Director’s Council for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was caught on video by undercover journalists with the Center for Medical Progress haggling over the price she would receive for providing tissue and organs procured from babies aborted at her Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Pasadena, California.

Gatter has since resigned from Planned Parenthood, along with a lengthy list of other executives, including former President and CEO Cecile Richards.

An anonymous source inside the courtroom told Operation Rescue that Gatter’s testimony confirmed that Planned Parenthood does engage in the sale of aborted baby body parts, under the guise of “tissue procurement.”

Under questioning by an attorney for one of the pro-life defendants, Gatter admitted she was indeed negotiating with the undercover journalists, who posed as representatives of an organ procurement company, to get the best price for the body parts.

“I told them I wanted a Lamborghini,” she admitted.

During the trial, showing the CMP videos to the jury has been prohibited. However, because there was so much testimony about the CMP video featuring Gatter, pro-life attorneys sought to have the summary video shown to the jury.

“In a rare display of anger, the judge denied the motion to play the entire video clip,” the courtroom observer told Operation Rescue. 

Please continue to pray for the Planned Parenthood employees, that they would reveal the truth on the stand.  Also, please pray for the pro-life defendants and their attorneys for wisdom that will bring justice.

Testimony in the case resumes today.