TOPEKA, KS — Operation Rescue made history when it showed Presidential candidate Bill Clinton an aborted baby in 1992. In keeping with that tradition, Operation Rescue West will show an aborted baby to pro-abortion Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, during his visit to Topeka on Monday, May 17.
Kerry will appear with pro-abortion Governor Kathleen Sebelius on the south steps of the State Capitol at 8:30 AM. There, ORW will attempt to show Kerry the broken remains of an aborted child.
Operation Rescue West also encourages pro-lifers across the nation to display signs depicting the images of aborted children at every Kerry campaign stop through the November election.
“Since John Kerry is pro-abortion, we believe that he should be fully aware of what that means. It is not about ‘women’s rights’ or a ‘woman’s choice’ as some would believe. It is about an innocent baby that is denied the basic right to life by being brutally and viciously torn limb from limb from the safety of his mother’s womb. With God’s help, ORW will help Senator Kerry — and the rest of our country — to face that gruesome truth that abortion kills children.” Troy Newman, President, Operation Rescue West