By Anne Reed

Operation Rescue previously reported on pro-lifers incarcerated for their efforts to save innocent children from being violently slaughtered at the hands of abortionists. The majority of the pro-lifers referenced participated in a rescue in October 2022 at Cesare Santangelo’s Washington Surg-Center. At this late-term killing center, perfectly formed, innocent babies are murdered through the ninth month of pregnancy, and evidence certainly suggests that babies are killed or left to die after being delivered alive. Santangelo readily admitted he would make no efforts to save a child born alive in an undercover investigation conducted by LiveAction in 2012.

These convicted pro-lifers blocked the doors leading to the rooms where the gruesome murders are committed at Washington Surgi-Center. In their sacrificial efforts to obey God rather than man, they expected to be charged with violating the 1994 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE). The act prohibits “violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services.” The punishment for violating the act is dependent on whether the efforts to save babies are violent.

Since the actions of these pro-lifers were nonviolent, their punishment is limited to up to only six months in prison for a first offense and up to 18 months for subsequent offenses. However, they did not anticipate the added charge and conviction of Civil Rights Conspiracy (for simply planning their peaceful rescue). Their sentences are increased exponentially (up to 11 years in prison) as a result. In addition, the charge carries a $350,000 fine.

Eight of the nine who participated in this rescue have been in jail awaiting sentencing since convicted by federal Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly in August and September of last year: Joan Andrews Bell, Jonathan Darnel, “Herb” Geraghty, Will Goodman, Lauren Handy, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, and Jean Marshall. Paulette Harlow is under house arrest because of serious health conditions.

The nine pro-lifers will be separated into three separate groups and sentenced on one of three dates next month: May 14,15, 17.

Of 115 bodies transferred to pro-lifers from a waste disposal truck driver, five were killed late into the 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester. The remains of these innocent victims can be viewed HERE. Their bodies are still at the D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office. An investigation has not yet occurred to determine whether they were illegally aborted. Pro-lifers are also calling for a humane burial.

“Operation Rescue joins Citizens for a Pro-Life Society in encouraging pro-life supporters to be speak on behalf of these innocent children and the courageous pro-lifers imprisoned for being a voice for those who have no voice.” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

Let’s flood her with letters.
Letters should be respectful and polite. Must be received by May 13

United States District Judge
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
333 Constitution Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20001

  • Beg her to be lenient.
  • Emphasize that the eight pro-lifers have already been in jail for months, and ask for “time served.”
    They have been already been jailed longer than many others convicted for similar “protests” and sit-in activities.
  • Emphasize they are motivated by love for others.
    They acted to help the mothers entering Santangelo’s abortion center and to defend the
    innocent unborn killed there through the ninth month of pregnancy. Ask the judge to
    consider that these selfless pro-lifers acted to defend innocent human lives that were in
    immediate jeopardy.

Also, as you keep all of these pro-life heroes in your fervent prayers, please remember to send encouraging letters to them in prison.  

You can also attend the sentencings at the above address:
May 14 at 9 a.m.

May 15, 17 at 2 p.m.