The time is right to push for abortion abolition.

Listen to “Equal Justice” 1-min. audio commentary by Troy Newman
Washington, DC – Operation Rescue releases the following statement on the 37th memorial of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that decriminalized abortion in America. Quotes are attributable to Troy Newman, Operation Rescue president.
Thirty-seven years after the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision unleashed the floodgate to decriminalized abortion at the cost of 50 million innocent lives, abortion is very close to ending in America.
Public opinion is on our side. Polls show that the majority of Americans identify themselves as “pro-life” for the first time in decades. That trend is especially noteworthy among young people. Not only is pro-life sentiment rising, but sympathy for the “pro-choice” position is plummeting.
Demand for abortion is decreasing. Along with changing attitudes toward abortion has come a decline in the number of abortions nationwide, a decrease in the number of abortion clinics, and a lack of replacement abortionists for those who quit or retire.
The recent political shift in our nation favors life. Obama’s popularity has taken a nosedive. With the activation of the grassroots angered by a Congress that is forcing tax funding of abortion on them through an unwanted healthcare plan, there is hope that the 2010 mid-term elections will eclipse the success of the 1994 Republican Revolution. Pro-life legislation is flying through state legislatures and many states are taking measures to restore legal protections to the pre-born.
While still one vote away from a slam-dunk on the Supreme Court, the right case could persuade a moderate justice to reconsider advances in fetology that overwhelmingly give scientific support for the humanity of the pre-born. The right legal arguments could spell an end to Roe.
Meanwhile, Operation Rescue continues to work to limit abortion through projects like the Abortion Whistleblowers that is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of abortionists who are breaking the law. New, bold, goal-oriented projects are on the horizon, which promise to further hasten abolition.
Roe v. Wade was built upon the lie that pre-born babies somehow lack the humanity to qualify for protection as “persons.” After 37 years of dead babies and fractured lives, Americans have seen through the deceptive rhetoric of aging feminists who are the last cheerleaders for death on demand. Roe’s faulty foundation has crumbled, and the rest of the abortion industry is not far behind.
See how we are winning.