Wichita, Kansas – Operation Rescue would like to extend condolences and prayers for the families affected by the senseless and tragic violence over the weekend in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio.
Operation Rescue strongly condemns the use of violence to advance political causes. We oppose the taking of innocent life in all cases, whether it be through gun violence or other crimes, hastening the death of the elderly and disabled, or the violence of abortion that brutally kills defenseless children in the womb.
Operation Rescue stands behind President Donald J. Trump and denounces the baseless “group-think” propaganda that falsely accuses him of fomenting racism, hatred, and division. We believe it is those who irresponsibly propagate these falsehoods with the loudest voices are the ones that are contributing to division and violence in our nation.
The following statement is attributable to Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
I consider it hypocritical at best for anyone to use false accusations against President Trump and his supporters to erode our First and Second Amendment Rights while they support the barbaric dismemberment of 3,000 innocent babies each day through abortion in America.
I know President Trump to be a man who values life and works to protect it. He has stood strongly on behalf of protections for pre-born babies and is considered the most pro-life President in American history. He has worked tirelessly to improve economic conditions for minorities in order to lift them out of hopelessness and poverty.
It is those in the Fake News media that are most responsible for spreading false narratives for political or ideological purposes in order to divide this nation along racial, cultural, economic, political, and religious lines.
We know this because Operation Rescue has been the frequent victim of media fabrications that have led to hundreds of death threats against our staff over the past decade. Even now, one man, who threatened our staff and families with murder and rape, pleaded guilty* last week and awaits sentencing in Federal Court in October.
We must reject manipulation by biased news organizations and come together as one people – as Americans – that value and protect all innocent life from the moment of conception until natural death. It’s time for the blood-letting to end and the healing to begin.