By Cheryl Sullenger
Wichita, KS – Operation Rescue is a pro-life organization that documents and exposes abortion abuses, files complaints when abuses are found, and demands enforcement when laws or regulations are broken.
This has been a busy yet difficult year for Operation Rescue, one in which nearly all our staff endured challenging health issues and/or personal tragedy. Nevertheless, we pushed on with our important work that has exposed documented abortion-related threats posed to babies in the womb, their mothers, and to society in general.
We are grateful to everyone who reads our reports, supports our work, and shares our content, especially in this age of Internet censorship, which we fight every day to overcome.
Today, we are counting down Operation Rescue’s Top Five Most Read Reports in 2021, and I have tossed in an important honorable mention as well as my pick as my personal favorite report of the year as a bonus.
Top Report #5: Abortionist to the Stars Quits and Closes her Beverly Hills Abortion Business
California abortionist Josepha Seletz, operated one of eight abortion facilities in the U.S. to openly conduct risky abortions into the third trimester of pregnancy. Because of her clinic’s location in Beverly Hills, California, and her willingness to cater to the Hollywood elite, she soon became known as the “Abortionist to the Stars.”
Operation Rescue carefully monitored her Pro-Choice Medical Center and reported frequently on the seemingly endless parade of ambulances that were called to her office for women suffering abortion- related medical emergencies.
Finally, after a year of reduced services in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, Seletz retired and closed her Beverly Hills office in February 2021, leaving one less abortionist to endanger women and take the lives of babies all the way into the third trimester of pregnancy.
Top Report Series #4: Coverage of the Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium on Election Integrity
While our reports on the Cyber Symposium were a bit outside our usual subject matter, there is no doubt that the 2020 Presidential Election outcome had a negative impact on pro-life efforts to end abortion. The pro-life Trump Administration was replaced with and administration that has proven to be one of the most actively pro-abortion in the history of our nation – one that dramatically has set back pro-life progress toward.
There were many questions about the integrity of that election, and many attacks from the leftist media on those who asked those questions. Those attacks were evident during the Cyber Symposium, where Lindell was beat up in his hotel, a poison pill was planted in the election data, and betrayal seemed to be the order of the day. Despite the drama, the Cyber Symposium presented convincing evidence that the election of 2020 was not fair or honest.
- Read: Series of OR’s reports on Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium the series of OR’s reports here: (from bottom to top)
- Most read of the series: Cyber Symposium Update: Day 1 Drama, Data Analyzed Live on Day 2, and an Attack on Lindell
Top Report Series #3: Operation Rescue’s Coverage of the Texas Heartbeat Act
The Texas Legislature blindsided the Abortion Cartel with the passage of the Texas Heartbeat Act, which prohibits abortions after fetal cardiac activity can be detected, which is usually around six weeks gestation.
The real sticky wicket for the abortionists was the unique enforcement clause, which provided for citizens to file civil suits when they had evidence or knowledge of abortionists who defied the new law. That left them confused about who they should sue to challenge the law.
That resulted in OR naming State Rep Briscoe Cain, who helped craft the Texas Heartbeat Act, (and served as Operation Rescue’s Texas attorney), recipient of our 2021 Person of the Year Malachi Award.
Since going into effect on September 1, 2021, the law has withstood all challenges and even survived two trips to the U.S. Supreme Court, which recently allowed the law to remain in place while abortionists continued their litigation through the lower courts.
So far, it is believed that abortions have been reduced by at least 50% since the Texas Heartbeat Act went into effect, making this the biggest Pro-Life Victory of 2021.
- Read: OR’s series of reports on the Texas Heartbeat Act (Reports listed from newest to oldest.)
- Read: Complaint Seeks Emergency Suspension of Texas Abortionist’s Medical License After He Confessed to Breaking the Texas Heartbeat Act (OR’s separate attempt to seek disciplinary action against Texas abortionist Alan Braid for unprofessional conduct for openly defying the law.)
Top Report Series #2: Abortion Is Not Safe
Operation Rescue has long reported on medical emergencies at abortion facilities. Since 2009, we have published literally hundreds of reports and videos on our YouTube channel documenting often horrific abortion-related injuries to women that have required hospitalization.
We also wrote about the 2021 autopsy findings related to the death of April Lowery after a botched abortion done at the West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 2020.
In 2021, OR also obtained information about four important medical malpractice cases that are seeking millions in damages. Those reports were widely read. We plan to continue following these cases into 2022.
“We do not cover these abortion injury cases because we are trying to elicit sympathy for the women who have abortions. We cover them to let the public know about the very real dangers of abortion, which have been downplayed by abortionists and their cronies in the main-stream media for decades,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Women may suffer serious injuries or death as a consequence of their poor abortion decisions, but the abortionists usually get away with it without any consequences at all. That’s why we also use our documentation to seek license revocations and clinic closures. When abortion facilities close, lives are saved.”
- 2021’s most read medical emergency report: Two Serious Abortion Emergencies at Walnut Creek Planned Parenthood Within Five Days Raise Questions about Competency
- 2021’s second most read medical emergency report: 911: No “Doctor” Present for Hemorrhaging Woman at Reno Planned Parenthood Abortion Pill Facility (Abortion pill complication)
- Read: Autopsy Report Reveals Alabama Woman Died of Perforated Uterus During Abortion
- Read about major medical malpractice lawsuits: Two against LeRoy Carhart; one against Capital Women’s Services in Washington, DC (affiliated with Steven Chase Brigham); and one against the West Alabama Women’s Center filed by a woman who was injured just five months after April Lowery’s death.
Top Report Series #1: China Virus “Vaccines” and their Impacts on Fertility and Pregnancy
Our friends at Abortion Free New Mexico were contacted by a scientist who served on a COVID-19 task force who wanted to blow the whistle on the dangers she saw related to the vaccines’ possible impacts on future fertility and the shocking number of miscarriages she was seeing in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS) data.
She agreed to be interviewed by our friend, Mark Harrington, of Created Equal, who published several video interviews with the whistleblower.
There was great interest in Operation Rescue’s reports on this whistleblower’s information and data added from our own research into the China Virus vaccines’ effects on babies, future fertility and other risk factors.
While we believe that the decision to get vaccinated is up to each person, we provided this important information so everyone could make decisions that were better informed about these potentially life-altering vaccines.
- Read OR’s complete series of reports on how the China Virus may affect fertility and is responsible for thousands of miscarriages.
- Read: Whistleblowers, Other Experts Warn of Increased Risks of Infertility, Death after COVID-19 Vaccines
Honorable Mention #1: Author’s Choice for Best OR Report of 2021
Earlier this year, some pro-life groups rushed to praise the China Communist Party after it announced it was relaxing its Two-Child policy and was encouraging women to have three children. I had been studying the situation in China for some time and I understood that there was more to this story than met the eye. Much more. China’s announcement did not come randomly, and there were important factors that led to it. It was a red flag that most did not recognize.
I understood that China was undergoing severe economic issues and that they were on the verge of a demographic implosion, thanks to decades of forced abortion practices and short-sighted one and two child policies that produced disastrous results for that nation. This put pressure on China to accelerate its plans to become the dominate world power before the house of cards built by their communist policies involving human rights abuses came crashing down.
Amending their population control policies exposed desperation on the part of the China Communist Party.
I wrote about the dangers a desperate China posed to the U.S. and the rest of the world both to inform and to warn, because now, according to noted China expert Gordon Chang, China is attempting to develop a “civilization killer virus” that would leave the Chinese safe but would affect those of other genetic backgrounds – and they are using American DNA to do it, some of which may have come from our own abortion facilities in the U.S.
Honorable Mention #2: Operation Rescue’s Annual Abortion Facility Survey Results for 2020
Our two-part report on the results of our annual abortion facility survey for 2020 is the most comprehensive and accurate accounting of abortion facility numbers, closures, and trends. During this massive and labor-intensive project, we document through direct contact with abortion facilities each facility’s gestational age limits, waiting times, abortion costs, and changes in clinic dynamics, such as types of abortion services offered and more.
Coming next month: Operation Rescue’s 2-part report on the results of our 2021 abortion facility survey! Trends are changing so you won’t want to miss it!