By Anne Reed | Updated July 28, 2023
Radical Abortion Amendment Would Make it Far Worse
In the second documented emergency this year at Women’s Med Center Dayton in Dayton, Ohio, advocates for life on the sidewalk observed an ambulance entering the parking lot, wheeling a patient out on a gurney, and loading her into an ambulance. The ambulance arrived at about 3 p.m. on July 11, 2023.
After Operation Rescue secured the 911 recording through a public information request, it was discovered that the emergency involved a 23-year-old woman suffering with “severe cyclic vomiting and intense abdominal pain.”
This late-term abortion facility performs abortion up to 22 weeks, the maximum gestational age the state of Ohio currently allows for in utero children to be killed. Though a heartbeat law was enacted last June, it has been blocked by a temporary court injunction since September 14, 2022.
The cause of the woman’s severe vomiting and intense abdominal pain is unknown, but because this is a surgical abortion facility, it is entirely possible that she had undergone a surgical abortion. Anesthesia is by far the most common reason a patient experiences vomiting after surgery. It can also be due to dehydration or incisional pain.
Cyclic vomiting is typically characterized by sudden, repeated attacks of severe nausea, vomiting, and exhaustion. The referenced severe abdominal pain could have been derived from the excessive vomiting or from a core issue that caused the vomiting in the first place – such as perforation of an internal organ.
This abortion clinic has a habit of calling serious conditions, such as hemorrhages and other potentially life-threatening injuries, non-emergent. Therefore, it is entirely possible that key details concerning the severity of the woman’s condition were withheld.
Ohio is one of the worst states for abortion-related medical emergencies. A quick search by state on Operation Rescue’s website,, reveals a startling number of emergency transports from Ohio abortion facilities. Women’s Med Center Dayton is second only to Preterm Cleveland.
Women’s Med Center Dayton has a long history of using manipulative and underhanded tactics to continue killing babies and injuring their mothers. In 2019, the late-term abortion business slightly tweaked the name of the business to prevent the loss of its facility license. At the time, Operation Rescue called for the resignation of Amy Stearns Acton, then Ohio Department of Health Director, who allowed the facility to utilize this deceitful loophole to prevent its closure.
Just this week the Ohio Secretary of State certified signatures collected by radical pro-aborts to put an extreme pro-abortion constitutional amendment on the November ballot. The proposed amendment includes language claiming to secure “the right to reproductive freedom with protections for health and safety.”
In reality, the constitutional amendment would severely compromise protections for health and safety of women. It would remove medical protections currently in place at Ohio abortion clinics, such as ensuring only doctors can perform abortions, that facilities and instruments are sanitized, or that doorways are large enough for gurneys to get through in cases of emergencies like the one in this report.
Created Equal, a pro-life organization based in Columbus, Ohio, has marked up the text of the proposed constitutional amendment, inserting the truth behind the delusory language.

The amendment would legally protect persons or groups who coerce a girl or woman into an abortion. It would also destroy parental rights for medical intervention related to reproduction.
It would easily expand abortion beyond the gestational age of viability, and it gives abortionists the right to use “professional judgment” to perform an abortion at any stage if he or she determines it is necessary to protect the mother’s “health.” Doe v. Bolton, a Roe v. Wade companion case that has not been overturned, broadly defined health in 1973 to include psychological stress and more.
The bottom line is that the door would be slung wide open for abortionists to kill babies throughout all nine months of pregnancy, joining eight other states that currently have no gestational limits.
“As pro-lifers, we need to pray for our friends in Ohio as they work to stop this horrendously evil amendment from becoming reality and endangering even more babies and women,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
“Instead of expanding abortion, these evil killing centers in Ohio need to be closed altogether. If this amendment were to pass, Ohio would become a late-term abortion destination, and reports of life-threatening injuries would significantly increase.”
A recent Network Ohio/Suffolk University poll of 500 likely voters suggests nearly 58% support of the amendment.

Phone Calls and Boots on the Ground Needed to educate fellow Ohio citizens about the dangers of the amendment while encouraging them to:
1) Vote YES in the August 8 special election.
(Yes, change the requirements for amending the Ohio Constitution, requiring a 60% supermajority rather than 50% plus one. This will significantly decrease the chances of the pro-abortion amendment passing in the November election.)
2) Vote NO in the November 7 election.
(No, I do not want to enshrine abortion in the Ohio Constitution, leaving innocent babies in the womb completely unprotected at all stages of development, removing safety regulations for mothers, and disregarding parental oversight of their children with regard to sexual matters.)
Cincinnati Right to Life volunteers are actively door knocking and phone banking. To help, email
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is coordinating door knocking efforts that will continue beyond August, through the November election, and then into 2024. Click HERE for more information.
- reporting medical emergencies,
- donating,
- Sharing reports like this one on social media. (Click logos below to find us on various social media platforms.)