Austin, TX – A ban on late-term abortions failed last night in the Texas Legislature amid high drama and chaos created by an angry mob just as the special session ended.
The law was prompted by horrific details that came forth during the Pennsylvania trial of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell who was convicted of murdering late-term babies born alive during abortions and by allegations brought against Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen by three former employees who say that he routinely killed babies born alive in ways similar to the practices of Gosnell.
“The angry mob that thwarted the vote last night wasn’t defending women. Those in that mob actually were defending those who commit the most horrific of abortion abuses on viable babies while subjecting women to substandard conditions and care. Their misguided actions only served to continue to endanger the lives and health of women while allowing those who exploit vulnerable women to continue their despicable and predatory behavior,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Operation Rescue had worked with the women who blew the whistle on Karpen and released photos of large babies with huge gashes in their necks who had been aborted by Karpen, according to the women.
“We supported the Texas ban on late-term abortions because we’ve seen the victims of late-term abortion and heard the first-hand horror stories of former abortion clinic employees,” said Newman. “This is more about protecting human rights than than anything else. To hear the pro-aborts in hysteria over the prospect that viable babies might be spared from a barbarically brutal death is frankly disturbing.”
The legislation passed in the House and was taken up by the Senate during a special session called by Gov. Rick Perry. In order to block a vote on the bill, State Sen. Wendy Davis launched a filibuster yesterday that was intended to run until midnight when the session expired. However, a violation of the filibuster rules prompted an objection at 9:40 p.m. stopping the filibuster and throwing the session into chaos.
Lack of security personnel made attempts to clear the unruly gallery futile.
A vote was taken at 11:45 p.m. but at midnight time expired and there was uncertainty of whether the bill was passed in time. At about 3:00 a.m., it was announced that Lt. Gov. Dewhurst could not get the bill signed in time due to the mayhem caused by the chanting mob.
“We live in a Constitutional Republic. We do not live by mob rule. While the mob may have prevailed through thuggery this time, the result was a defeat for pregnant women and their babies. Women deserve better,” said Newman. “We support the call for a second special session to make sure the voices of the majority of people who oppose late-term abortions are heard and the rule of law has an opportunity to prevail.”
Angry Pro-Abortion Mob Thwarts Texas Bill Inspired by Gosnell, Karpen Horrors