By Cheryl Sullenger
Dallas, TX – An ambulance was called to Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center in Dallas, Texas, on January 12, 2017, to aid a woman who was removed from the abortion facility in a wheel chair prior to being loaded into the ambulance.
According to radio communications obtained by Operation Rescue, an ambulance was dispatched to the abortion facility at 12:21 pm. The recording indicated that the woman in need of emergency care was having difficulty breathing.
Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center (SWSC) is considered a high-volume abortion facility, conducting approximately 50 surgical abortions per day. It is owned and operated by aging abortionist Curtis Boyd, who turns 80 in March and is said to still conduct surgical abortions there.
Boyd is perhaps best known as the owner of Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the largest late-term abortion facility in the U.S. That facility was recently referred to the New Mexico Attorney General’s office for criminal prosecution related to the illegal sale of aborted baby remains and failing to provide informed consent to women.
SWSC is licensed as an “Ambulatory Surgical Center,” which supposedly requires it to maintain a higher standard than facilities licensed as “Abortion Clinics.”
However, the most recent inspection report available for SWSC, dated November 24, 2015, tells a different story about horrific conditions women have been subjected to there.
Within the 22 pages of violations were found a litany of problems, including untrained staff, unsanitary conditions, failure to maintain the sterility of surgical instruments, and failure to follow up with women who were given abortion drugs, to name a few.
However, perhaps the most shocking finding was related to SWSC’s storage and disposal of contaminated waste and aborted baby remains.
Inspectors found the Biohazard Room packed “floor to ceiling” with bags of soiled linens and biohazard boxes. There was a refrigerator that contained aborted baby remains, but the room was so junky, that the inspector could not access that refrigerator.
On the second day of the inspection, bags of dirty linens were found crammed into nearly every available space, including the patient recovery room. Again, access to the refrigerator storing aborted baby remains was not possible due to the obstructions, which the staff never bothered to remove.
If the storage refrigerator could not be accessed, one can only wonder how the remains from the day’s abortions could possibly be refrigerated, and how it was possible for a disposal firm to collect the refrigerated remains.
Unfortunately, SWSC isn’t unique when it comes to badly failing health and safety inspections. The most recent inspection reports available for each abortion facility in Texas were obtained by Operation Rescue. They showed 16 out of 17 abortion facilities failed their inspections and were cited for a wide range of violations.
In addition to the unsanitary conditions and practices found at SWSC, it also has a history of medical emergencies, including one that took place on February 29, 2016.
“Licensing regulations are only as good as their enforcement, and in Texas, the Department of Health Care Quality has not adequately enforced those laws for the protection of the public from abortion dumps like the Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “That leads to women needing emergency medical care, as we just saw.”
But women seeking abortions at the Dallas facility have ready access to alternatives than can help them avoid the dangers that lurk at SWSC. Across the parking lot from the busy abortion business, Birth Choice, a pregnancy help center that is fully accredited by the Accreditation of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). It provides FREE help to pregnant ladies six days a week.
“We pray more women will take advantage of the help available at pregnancy help centers like Birth Choice,” said Newman. “It would spare not only the lives of their babies, but also possibly spare the women an unplanned trip to the emergency room or maybe even their own lives.”
Background on Boyd: “Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that.”
Ambulance Transports Woman with Breathing Difficulties from Unsanitary Abortion Center