Orlando, FL – Pro-life activists are reporting that a medical emergency took place on June 6, 2015, at the Orlando Women’s Center, a high-volume abortion facility owned by the notorious abortionist James Pendergraft.
Michele Herzog of the Pro-life Action Ministries Central Florida posted heartbreaking photos on Facebook showing a young, African-American woman as she was wheeled out the back door of the abortion facility and loaded into an awaiting ambulance. She was transported to a Winnie Palmer Hospital.
Also responding to the incident were six other police and fire vehicles, including a Fire Department ladder truck, a Fire Department supervisor’s vehicle, and four police cruisers.
Operation Rescue is seeking 911 records to confirm whether this incident was abortion-related, however, Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue says the odds are in favor of it.
“Saturday is a busy abortion day at clinics around the country. It is usual for clinics to curtail other services on heavy abortion days,” Operation Rescue President Troy Newman explained.
In addition, Operation Rescue has found that over 98% of ambulance incidents at abortion clinics are related to abortion complications.
“We consider Pendergraft and his shoddy abortion operation the worst in the nation,” said Newman. “Just about everything about him is as disreputable as it gets.”
Newman referenced the fact that Pendergraft is currently serving his fifth license suspension for substandard abortion practices and failing to pay the Florida Medical Board over $122,000 in fines and fees.
Pendergraft also was hit in 2011 with a malpractice judgement of $11,800,000, which creditors continue to try to collect.
In 2012, Operation Rescue caught Pendergraft operating an illegal late-term abortion business in Maryland with fellow disgraced abortionist Harold O. Alexander. That operation was shut down by the Maryland Board of Medicine after Operation Rescue filed complaints.
Then, in March 2015, Herzog caught Pendergraft on video sneaking into his Orlando facility on an abortion day while his medical license was delinquent and he was prohibited from practicing. No other abortionist was at the clinic, but numerous women with abortion appointments crowded the waiting room. Thinking Pendergraft was about to commit illegal abortions, Herzog called police, but Pendergraft fled the scene before officers arrived.
The abortionist on duty during the June 6th emergency was Randall B. Whitney, a long-time associate of Pendergraft’s with a history of brutish behavior.
On March 27, 2010, Whitney was arrested after he slapped a pregnant woman inside the Orlando Women’s Center who he was preparing for an abortion. He was charged with felony aggravated battery. Whitney failed to appear for his trial in September, 2010, and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. On a tip from pro-life activists, police surrounded the Orlando Women’s Center on September 22, 2010, and took Whitney into custody.
Whitney eventually pled nolo contendre to a reduced charge of misdemeanor battery. He was sentenced to time served and fined.
The Florida Medical Board’s efforts to discipline Whitney for attacking his pregnant patient remain pending.
Whitney has faced license suspension and probation in the past and has been accused of illegal late-term abortions beyond the limits set by law by manipulating ultrasound results to produce a false fetal age. Whitney defiantly closed his Daytona Beach abortion clinic rather than comply with laws governing clinic safety.
“Given their horrific past conduct, it is hard to understand why Pendergraft and Whitney are allowed to continue operating. Certainly these men are bottom of the barrel abortionists who continue to endanger women while thumbing their noses at authorities,” said Newman. “We pray that the Department of Health and Medical Board in Florida will stop coddling these two and shut them down immediately!”
African-American Woman Leaves Worst Abortion Clinic in Nation In an Ambulance