Aurora, IL — Sheriff’s deputies removed medical and office equipment from West Suburban Gynecology Clinic, an abortion clinic located in the Chicago suburbs, on Monday in compliance with an court ordered eviction.
The owner of the building, abortionist Aleksander Jakubowski, operated the abortion mill there from 1991 until his retirement last year. The business was then taken over by abortionist Louis S. Myers, who rented the building from Jakubowski.
However, several weeks ago, Myers disappeared.
“I don’t know what happened to them,” Jakubowski told reporters. “He just vanished.”
Myers has a history of disciplinary action on file with Illinois’ Division of Professional Regulation, but nothing recent enough to explain his disappearance.
Jakubowski evicted his former abortion business from the building and placed the property up for sale.
“We rejoice that yet another abortion mill has closed its doors,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We pray that Myers is permanently out of the killing business and that the building will be bought by someone, preferably pro-lifers, who will use the space for some good purpose.”
“We encourage pro-lifers in the Chicago area to try to buy that building and turn it into a crisis pregnancy center, or some other such office that can help save lives,” said Newman.
Operation Rescue purchased a Wichita abortion mill earlier this year and is in the process of renovating it to include a memorial to the pre-born and office space for the group.
View list of other abortion clinics that have closed in the last year.
here’s hoping this missing baby killing abortionist is never found short of the grave.
Frog, you beat me to it!
I was going to say that I hope that Myers is permanently out of the business, period.
Oh well, 1 down (Myers), 1 to go (Jakubowski).
Well, at least neither Myers nor Jakubowski are killing any more. I read elsewhere that Jakubowski is enjoying his retirement and doesn’t miss the abortion business.
I think this story just goes to illustrate how many problems these abortionists have. Why would someone just up and disappear? Usually it is because they are either on a substance abuse bender, or he is running away from problems (or both). I have yet to hear of an abortionist who doesn’t have major problems.
Mikey says, lets hope he isn’t sleeping with the fishes like Jimmy Hoffa đ
Anyway, good work pro-lifers!!!
Frog, that’s awful! We should be praying that he vanished because he was having second thoughts, and that he shows up alive, well, and reformed.
I’m appalled that nobody — nobody, not even friends or family — seem to be concerned about what happened to this man. Yes, he did deplorable things, but he was still a human being made in God’s image. Jesus died on the cross for Meyers as much as for anybody else. It’s horrible that nobody seems to miss him, not family or friends or anybody. That’s a wretched end for anybody.
I’m praying that he turns up safe and sound and converted.
If the baby killer repents, God will forgive him but NEVER before.
The best indication of future action is past actions.
Lacking any evidence of repentance by this baby killer- the best senerio for preborn babies and women is to be dead.
And apparently the best for the abortionist too. Christ says that it is BETTER that those who offend the little ones (baby killers, child molesters etc.) have a millstone tied around their necks and tossed into the deapest of seas.
Sounds like Jesus did NOT pray these child offenders would repent rather than die a just death at the bottom of a watery grave.
Jeus and I prefer dead abortionists to dead babies.
Actually it is Luca Brasi who sleeps with the fishes and not Jimmy Hoffa who probably became hamburger fed to the Chicago cattle in the stockyards.
I for one hope he does repent of his bloodshed and receives forgiveness by Jesus Christ, but if this babykilling abortionist went to meet his Maker, it is what he deserved. Actually once he departs this life, he will receive what he deserves, eternal torment in the lake of fire.
Abortion kills an unborn child. Period.
However, wishing abortionists dead — and, worse, lionizing those who murder them — is also disgraceful. Murder in any form is wrong. Period.
“Let those who would kill an abortionist, kill me instead.”
–His Eminence, John Cardinal O’Connor
No one is “lionizing” any defenders of preborn children. All that has ever been sought by any is that their blood is mixed with the blood of the unborn.
Sounds about as forgetful and annonimous as could possibly be sought.
But some, just have to lie to demonize those who treat the preborn in the sme manner legitimate to traet the born in order to fit their own discrimination of the preborn child.
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