By Cheryl Sullenger
Granite City, IL – Less than six weeks after one Illinois abortion patient was hospitalized after a botched abortion, a second woman required immediate transport to a hospital emergency room after suffering a serious abortion-related medical emergency.
But this recent incident took an unusual twist.
It began on May 7, 2020, at Hope Clinic for Women, a late-term abortion facility located in Granite City, Illinois. An ambulance was called for a 34-year old woman who suffered a seizure during a surgical abortion and needed a transfer to Barnes Jewish Hospital’s Emergency Department for a “higher level of care,” according to 911 records obtained by Operation Rescue.
Barnes Jewish Hospital is located in St. Louis, Missouri, several miles across the Mississippi River from Granite City.

The caller from the Hope Clinic told the emergency dispatcher that EMS crews could find the woman in Procedure Room 3, which is located on the clinic’s second floor.
Pro-life activists witnessed the woman being removed from the clinic on a gurney, then loaded into an ambulance, which rushed her away in the direction of St. Louis.
Long-time pro-life activist John Ryan had photographed an elevator repair truck in the Hope Clinic parking lot that day and wondered if the elevator had malfunctioned.

He got his answer the next day when, surprisingly, the same woman who had been transported to the emergency room returned to Hope Clinic to finish her abortion.
According to Ryan, she stopped and spoke with him on her way in. While she did not accept his offers of help, she did reveal more about her experience.
Apparently, the Hope Clinic’s elevator was indeed not working, and the EMS crew was forced to carry her down a flight of stairs.
Ryan shared this account on his Facebook page:
The mom…returned today to kill her baby. Refused the help and warnings we shared. But she did confirm they had to drag her down the stairs yesterday to get her to the ambulance, IV’s and all, and off to the ER. Sure enough, she confirmed for me that these quacks didn’t even have a working elevator in the building where they commit the abortions on the second floor.
Of abortionist Erin King, who was on duty during the medical emergency, Ryan remarked, “You can take the abortionist out of the back alley, but you can’t take the back alley out of the abortionist. After all, she is a serial killer for hire. To abortionists, moms are just collateral damage.”

Previously unpublished emergency 911 records related to the earlier March 28, 2020, ambulance transport were recently obtained by Operation Rescue. They revealed that a woman suffered excessive bleeding and was transferred with “high priority” to Barnes Jewish Hospital’s WAC unit, where hospital staff awaited her arrival.
It seemed that the Hope Clinic staff was very interested in keeping this woman out of the emergency room.
The caller specifically requested that the woman be sent to the WAC unit, then later asked the 911 dispatcher, “Do you know what the WAC is?”
The WAC unit is the Women’s Assessment Center, where pregnant women usually go to be checked out if they are having issues, rather than reporting to the emergency room. The caller indicated that the WAC had been notified and were waiting for the bleeding woman.
“It is irresponsible for the Hope Clinic to continue to conduct surgical abortions with a broken elevator knowing that there will be no gurney access if something goes wrong. This kind of negligence is placing the lives of women at much greater risk than any COVID-19 concern,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “This abortion facility should be immediately closed in the interest of public safety.”