By Cheryl Sullenger
Chicago, IL – An abortion clinic worker who called 911 for a woman suffering a serious medical emergency asked the ambulance crew to come with no lights or sirens, even though that would delay emergency care for the injured woman.
The incident took place on July 10, 2021, at the Family Planning Associates (FPA) abortion facility located on West Washington in Chicago, Illinois. It is the twelfth known time that a woman has been transported by ambulance to a hospital from this facility since 2018.
The 911 recording and Event Report was supplied to Operation Rescue by the Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League.
“The patient just underwent an abortion, and she had an injury to the uterus. She’s having some bleeding. It’s controlled right now but she does need to get to the hospital,” explained the FPA caller, who requested that the 40-year-old woman be transported to Northwestern Hospital.
Later in the call, the FPA worker made a special request.
“And if it’s possible for them to come with no lights or sirens, we’d appreciate that,” she said.
The 911 operator responded, “Uh, that’s for their safety, unfortunately.”
Abortion businesses are known to request that ambulances run without lights and sirens to minimize the attention to the fact that the abortion facility is sending a woman to the hospital.
“The fact that abortion often injures women is something the Abortion Cartel wants to keep hidden from the public,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “For decades, women have been gaslighted to believe that abortion is safe. If women understood the true dangers of abortion, it is likely that some would not have them. That, of course, would cost the abortion businesses a lot of money at a time when the nationwide average cost of an abortion is $612 and rising. Profit motivation is one powerful reason they continue to selling abortions as being safe, when they obviously are not. We believe women deserve the truth, not a sales pitch.”
Operation Rescue has published data on hundreds of abortion injuries that required ambulance transport to local hospitals, which represents a small fraction of the actual number of abortion complications suffered by women, since most manifest after the women have left the abortion facilities.
A growing number of states require abortion complications to be reported, but Operation Rescue has reason to believe that the number of complications is chronically under-reported.
- To learn more about this Family Planning Associates, visit its profile page at
- To learn more about abortion-related medical emergencies and abortion-related maternal deaths, visit Operation Rescue’s archive of reports at