Wichita, KS — Beginning tomorrow, Operation Rescue and the Kansas Coalition For Life will begin participation in a nationwide pro-life prayer campaign called 40 Days For Life outside the nation’s largest late term abortion clinic.

For the next 40 days, from September 26 through November 4, pro-life supporters will be urged to maintain a constant prayer presence during every business hour at Women’s Health Care Services, the late-term abortion mill owned and operated by George R. Tiller, who is currently facing 19 criminal counts of illegal abortions, a county grand jury investigation that could net additional charges, and a disciplinary review by the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts.
“We believe strongly in the power of prayer,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In Aurora, Illinois, on the last day of their 40 Days For Life Vigil, a judge ruled that the Planned Parenthood office in that community must remain closed. It was an amazing answer to prayer.”
“We will pray for the next 40 days that Tiller’s clinic will also close and that he will be brought to justice on the crimes of which he has been charged. We look forward to seeing what God will do in Wichita in response to our continued prayers,” said Newman.
The Wichita 40 Days For Life vigil is part of a national campaign that is being conducted simultaneously in over 90 cities across the country.
Those wishing to participate in the 40 Days for Life vigils in Wichita can click here for more information.