Des Moines, IA — Connections between the office of Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and a Planned Parenthood abortionist raise questions about whether a complaint filed against the abortion giant will get fair consideration.
Operation Rescue’s Cheryl Sullenger was contacted last week by Jane Ambrozic, a representative of the Iowa Attorney General’s office, who indicated that the AG’s office was unable to locate the complaint concerning the remote controlled distribution of dangerous abortion pills, known as telemed abortions. Sullenger provided Ambrozic a copy of the delivery confirmation letter that showed the complaint was received at the State House on June 24, 2010, along with the signature of the staffer who received the complaint. She also sent Ambrozic a digital copy of the complaint. Ambrozic acknowledged receipt of the files and that she was able to open them.
“There really is no excuse for the Attorney General’s dismissive attitude toward this complaint, now that we know that it has been received by his representative,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “While we hope that the Attorney General’s office will properly look into this complaint, connections between Tom Miller’s administration and Planned Parenthood of the Heartland that have recently surfaced are troubling. It certainly would not be the first time we have had to deal with corruption in a State Attorney General’s office.”
According to Attorney General Miller’s official web site, Dr. Linda Railsback, an 13 year employee of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland (formerly Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa), sits on his Crime Victim Assistance Board. In addition, the 2005 Iowa Attorney General’s Annual Report lists on page 37 a $7,000 disbursement of funds to Planned Parenthood. That money was funneled through the Iowa Attorney General’s office from the Federal Stop Violence Against Women program (VAWA).
“We find it ironic that a Planned Parenthood abortionist would be involved in a ‘violence against women’ board considering the violent means by which pre-born babies are aborted and the negative impact that abortion has on women, including increasing their risks for suicide and substance abuse. And that’s not to mention the frequent incidents of coerced and forced abortions that sidewalk counselors across the nation witness every day, which makes Planned Parenthood America’s chief exploiter of women. Railsback’s involvement with the A.G,’s office really shows a lack of good judgment on the part of Attorney General Miller,” said Newman.
“The connections between Miller’s office and Planned Parenthood represent a conflict of interest. Not only is Miller affiliated with a long-time Planned Parenthood abortionist, but he also has distributed thousands of tax dollars directly to Planned Parenthood’s coffers. Can Miller set aside his pro-abortion ideology and his professional and personal relationships with Planned Parenthood long enough to enforce Iowa laws without prejudice or bias? That remains to be seen.”