On Tuesday, President Trump signed an executive order to protect the morally problematic process of in vitro fertilization and “aggressively” reduce the cost. Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, offered this statement:

“IVF treats human life as a commodity, leading to the routine destruction of countless embryos — unique, irreplaceable human beings who die in the process. Babies are not science projects, and procreation belongs in bedroom, not a Petri dish.

“For every successful IVF birth, multiple babies perish — human beings that are recklessly discarded, frozen indefinitely, or used for experimentation. This is not ‘family planning’; it’s playing God with human lives. Every child deserves to be conceived through the loving union of husband and wife, not through artificial manipulation that sacrifices lives along the way.

“Operation Rescue stands for life — from conception to natural birth — and rejects any process that devalues the dignity of the unborn.”